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Exception: please specify a MediaWiki or custom i18n message!

English (en)Deutsch (de)Esperanto (eo)Español (es)Français (fr)Suomi (fi)Hrvatski (hr)Magyar (hu)Italiano (it)日本語 (ja)한국어 (ko)Nederlands (nl)Polski (pl)Português (pt)Português do Brasil (pt-br)Русский (ru)Slovenčina (sk)Svenska (sv)Türkçe (tr)Українська (uk)Tiếng Việt (vi)中文 (zh)中文(臺灣) (zh-tw)
Icon-translate.png Available doc translations
Stranica s dokumentacijom User:結衣/Template:Int/doc/hr ne postoji.
Umjesto toga bit će prikazana engleska dokumentacija koju možete prevesti pomoću Google Prevoditelja (ili sličnog softvera). Ako nakon ove poruke nema ničega, najvjerojatnije dokumentacija ne postoji niti na engleskom jeziku.


The {{i18n}} template is used to localize common strings by key similarly to the magic word {{int:}}. This is a necessary template for the Valve Developer Community since site administrators have yet to add Extension:Translate for i18n support. This seeks to deprecate the unmaintainable and sub-optimal localization stack built on Template:Autolang, Template:Uselangflags, and Template:Uselang. It should be used for localizing small phrases of text and not for full-page translation (e.g., see Template:Doc, Template:Dictionary). Localizations are automatically transcluded based on the user’s {{PAGELANGUAGE}}. If a localization is non-existent, then a link to the hypothetical page is returned.

This template is technically a wrapper for {{int:}} and will behave identically for MediaWiki messages. Otherwise, it will emit the localizations for a given custom localization key. Custom localization keys are stored as sub-pages to {{i18n}}. Each sub-page of a localization key is named after a valid MediaWiki language code and stores the raw translation of its localization key. For example, the localization key sandbox could have the sub-pages en and ja whose contents are Sandbox and サンドボックス, respectively.


Parameter Description Type Status
Localization Key 1 The localization key to substitute a translation for. String required


  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int}} is an invalid state: Exception: please specify a MediaWiki or custom i18n message!
  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int|mainpage}} yields: Glavna stranica
  • {{User:結衣/Template:Int|blahblahblah}} requests an non-existent localization key: Warning: undefined localization key! Check if the key is misspelled or create the localization key blahblahblah.