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Wraps content in a box that can dynamically be expanded or collapsed.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Do not use this template in the middle of a line. Start a new line, which also allows you to indent it using colons.
Text {{Expand|margin_left=2em|Text}} Text <!-- breaks -->

:{{Expand|Text}} <!-- good! -->


  • {{{1}}} – The content to expand or hide.
  • {{{float}}} – Set to left or right if floating is desired. Using this parameter is preferable to adding style=float:right because this also adjusts the title alignment appropriately, see the example below.
  • {{{title}}} – An optional title shown next to the expand button.
  • {{{titlestyle}}} – Adds extra title style parameters.
  • {{{noborder}}} – If non-zero, use no surrounding border.
    Warning.pngWarning:It can become difficult to tell where the expanded text ends if the background colors are identical! Use this only if you would end up with double borders for example.
  • {{{startcollapsed}}} – If set to 0, the content will initially be visible, otherwise collapsed. Default is 1.
  • {{{color}}} – The color of the left border and title, if used.
  • {{{bgcolor|rgba(0,0,0,0.05)}}} – The background color of the content. This defaults to transparent if {{{noborder}}} is not 0.
  • {{{margin_bottom|1em}}} – The border on the bottom.
  • {{{margin_left|0}}} – The border on the left.
  • {{{style}}} – Adds style parameters for the table that this template is based on.


{{expand|{{KV Breakable}}}} renders as follows.

Breakable (common):
Performance Mode (PerformanceMode) <choices>
Used to limit the amount of gibs produced when this entity breaks, for performance reasons.
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: No Gibs
  • 2: Full Gibs on All Platforms (Xbox 360, PS3, etc)
  • 3: Reduced gibs
Min Damage to Hurt (minhealthdmg) <integer>
If a single hit to the object doesn't do at least this much damage, the prop won't take any of the damage it attempted to give.
Pressure Delay (PressureDelay) <float>
Seconds to delay breaking from pressure. Allows creaking/groaning sounds to play.
Health (health) <integer>
How close to breaking the object is.
Maximum Health (max_health) <integer>
Health cannot exceed this amount.
Physics Impact Damage Scale (physdamagescale) <float>
Multiplier for damage amount when this entity is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the entity will take no damage from physics.
Breakable By (BreakableType) <choices> (only in Left 4 Dead series)
Who can break this?
  • 0: Everyone
  • 1: All Infected
  • 2: Only Tanks

{{expand|{{KV Breakable}}|noborder=1}} renders as follows.

Breakable (common):
Performance Mode (PerformanceMode) <choices>
Used to limit the amount of gibs produced when this entity breaks, for performance reasons.
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: No Gibs
  • 2: Full Gibs on All Platforms (Xbox 360, PS3, etc)
  • 3: Reduced gibs
Min Damage to Hurt (minhealthdmg) <integer>
If a single hit to the object doesn't do at least this much damage, the prop won't take any of the damage it attempted to give.
Pressure Delay (PressureDelay) <float>
Seconds to delay breaking from pressure. Allows creaking/groaning sounds to play.
Health (health) <integer>
How close to breaking the object is.
Maximum Health (max_health) <integer>
Health cannot exceed this amount.
Physics Impact Damage Scale (physdamagescale) <float>
Multiplier for damage amount when this entity is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the entity will take no damage from physics.
Breakable By (BreakableType) <choices> (only in Left 4 Dead series)
Who can break this?
  • 0: Everyone
  • 1: All Infected
  • 2: Only Tanks

{{expand|color=yellow|title=Yellow|Yellow!}} renders as follows.


:{{expand|Can be indented.}} renders as follows.

Can be indented.

The title alignment also uses {{param|float}} so that the button stays at the same position when toggling.

The title alignment also uses {{{float}}} so that the button stays at the same position when toggling.

See how this renders on the right.