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Zh/Half-Life: Alyx Workshop Tools/Level Design/Hotspot Texturing

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  • workshop_examples/hotspot_example.vmap

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要设置一个热点材料纹理,首先需要用Subrect Editor定义热点的布局

使用 Subrect Editor

Subrect Editor 可以在资产浏览器中打开:

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打开subrect editor后, 选择一个材质

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默认情况下,当它们被应用时,hammer会尝试将矩形与世界方向对齐。 但想让矩形有更多的变化,你可以在矩形属性中选择“allow rotation”允许它们旋转。

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Setting up materials for hotspotting

Once you have defined the rectangles for you image, save the file. This will create a .rect file, which contains the definitions of the rectangles. The .rect file may be referenced by multiple different materials.

To assign the rectangle definition to a material, open the material in the material editor, select the attributes tab and then click on the browse button (magnifying glass) under the "Rectangle Definition File".

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(to make sure you get a consistent pixel density from the hotspot tool, make sure to set world mapping values as well)

Once the rectangle file has been assigned to a material, the hotspot texture application tool can be used on a face selection in Hammer.

This will attempt to automatically assign the best rectangles of the material to the faces based on size and aspect ratio.

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Additionally the rectangle definition can be used with the fast texture tool (ctrl + g). The rectangles can be displayed by selecting 'Show Rectangles'.

Double clicking on the image will select the rectangle under the cursor and update the uvs of the current selection.

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