Non-code mod settings

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Here are some of the files that can be modified for a mod, but which do not require any programming. Most mods will want to change these.

File What it lets you do
gameinfo.txt Set mod title, icon, and other settings
maplist.txt List maps used by the mod
Resource/SourceScheme.res Change GUI appearance
resource/gamemenu.res Change the UI menu buttons. See Manipulating the game menu items
scripts/titles.txt Set some localized strings. See Adding chapters to your mod
scripts/ChapterBackgrounds.txt List the chapter background images (used until background map is loaded). See Adding chapters to your mod
scripts/kb_act.lst Set the contents of the Keyboard tab of the Options menu.
cfg/config_default.cfg Set the default keyboard layout
cfg/user_default.scr Add convars to the multiplayer advanced tab.
Server Settings GUI Edit the local and dedicated server settings pages.
Note.pngNote:All file paths are relative to the mod directory.