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vgui_neurotoxin_countdown is a point entity available in Portal series Portal series. It is a neurotoxin countdown display. In Portal, the time to countdown (in seconds) is set by using the startneurotoxins console command. In Portal 2, it is set with the countdown KeyValue.

Note.pngNote:Portal 2 does not automatically hurt/kill the player when the timer reaches 0. Use a point_hurt instead.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:The game will crash on Linux if a timer attempts to display a very large value. Since large values such as 99999 are often used in Portal to effectively disable neurotoxin, you will need to ensure the displays are always turned off while the value is this high.  [todo tested in ?]


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Countdown ([todo internal name (i)]) <integer> (in all games since Portal 2)
Time (in seconds) to countdown.
Panel width (width) <integer>
Width of the panel in units.
Panel height (height) <integer>
Height of the panel in units.


Make slideshow visible.
Make slideshow invisible.