Valve Developer Community talk:Alternative Languages
As languages increase in number, the amount of new templates for every language to cater every other language will increase. This seems like an unnecessity. I vote Valve adds official support for languages. --Kodak (talk) 1:22, 11 Oct 2005
I created this page and most of the current template schema, knowing that we’d have an excessive amount of languages. I also agree with you, but that’s up to Valve. The wiki version is still 1.4.5, while 1.5.0 is out. Good luck with that. --AndrewNeo (talk) 11:57, 11 Oct 2005
Languages Category
Added a category to more easily find available languages: Category:Languages. --Kodak (talk) 22:56, 14 Oct 2005
How to add the template to a category
2|{{otherlang:en}}}}, {{otherlang:en:de|category:categoryname:de}}? --SIzzLeopard (talk) 16:33, 25 Sep 2007
Add redirects with translated names to translated templates
2|Template:Confirm:zh-cn}}, it would likely be annoying to use it, as they would need to either copy paste English text or use an English keyboard to type in {{confirm:zh-cn}}, which not all Chinese people want to do. If there was a template redirect page named simply Template:确认 that redirected to Template:Confirm:zh-cn, then Chinese people would only have to type in {{确认}} to use the Chinese confirm template.
In my opinion this would make it easier for chinese people to insert chinese templates. Right? --Amicdict (talk) 23:23, 15 Sep 2021
2|{{Warning}}}} template Предупреждение redirect; an Esperanto redirect Noto to the English template {{Note}}. --Amicdict (talk) 5:50, 5 Apr 2023
2|Todo}} can be translated into Russian as Необходимо сделать, and this is quite long. And some things are very difficult to translate, because in English, for example, there is a word art. In Russian this word has many spellings, but none of them reflects the same essence as the original word art.
I can also say that redirects make pages load a little longer due to the extra inclusion, but this is very slightly longer, so I do not consider this a minus. Also, such redirects will clog the list of used templates (you can see it when previewing while editing the page), but this is not so scary, so this is also not a minus.
I’m not saying that it’s not worth experimenting in this area, it’s just that this wiki is not very flexible and we don’t have enough tools to work with such things fully. --Max34 (talk) 19:27, 5 Apr 2023
2|Todo}} can be translated into Russian as Необходимо сделать, and this is quite long. And some things are very difficult to translate, because in English, for example, there is a word art. In Russian this word has many spellings, but none of them reflects the same essence as the original word art.|Max34}} Yes, this is unfortunately the nature of translation; and it’s why I thought of the redirect, more as a fix rather than a full solution.
Well, what version of MediaWiki is it based on? --Amicdict (talk) 20:15, 5 Apr 2023
I agree, but I think this can be partially solved by creating good documentation in which all the names in the translated version will be spelled out, and how they are written in English, as well as links to these templates.
The version (and other data) can be viewed on the Special:Version page. However, even despite the not-so-old version of the engine, many things either do not work or are limited/prohibited in use. --Max34 (talk) 21:40, 5 Apr 2023
So what plugins don't work? Why are some prohibited? --Amicdict (talk) 17:18, 9 Apr 2023
2|StringFunctions}} (from Extension:ParserFunctions) are most likely disabled on this wiki, because their description says this:
If these functions were not disabled, there would be a lot more possibilities (well, at least it seems so to me).
If we talk about the title of this whole conversation, then no one stops you. If you want, you can add redirects with translated names to translated templates. We all experiment here often and for good reason. For example, we managed to make a lot of good templates (for example, {{User page}} or {{Software page}}). --Max34 (talk) 19:09, 9 Apr 2023
Language Subpages
2|[[SteamVR/Environments]]}} should be [[SteamVR/Environments:ru]], but that feels off. It isn’t a subpage of [[SteamVR]], it’s a subpage of [[SteamVr:ru]]. This gets even worse for the sub-subpages, like [[SteamVR/Environments/Getting Started]]. What should be done in these cases? --Kestrelguy (talk) 1:33, 1 May 2022