VGUI ControlGrid

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This is a modified VGUI_PanelListPanel by User:Ring2ding, made to bolster the class' abilities.

Without label With label


  • I switched AddItem's arguments around: ( Panel *panel, Panel *labelPanel = NULL ). Label is now the second argument, and is set to NULL by default.
  • Use SetShouldDrawLabels to tell it whether or not you're using labels.
  • You can adjust the label height (default is 20) to allow for larger or smaller labels by calling SetLabelHeight.


//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include <UtlLinkedList.h>
#include <UtlVector.h>
#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>

class KeyValues;

namespace vgui

// Purpose: A list of variable height child panels
//  each list item consists of a label-panel pair. Height of the item is
// determined from the lable.
class ControlGrid : public Panel
	DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( ControlGrid, Panel );

	ControlGrid( vgui::Panel *parent, char const *panelName );

	// The list now owns the panel
	virtual int AddItem( Panel *panel, Panel *labelPanel = NULL );
	virtual int	GetItemCount() const;

	virtual Panel *GetItemLabel(int itemID); 
	virtual Panel *GetItemPanel(int itemID); 

	virtual void RemoveItem(int itemID); // removes an item from the table (changing the indices of all following items)
	virtual void DeleteAllItems(); // clears and deletes all the memory used by the data items
	void RemoveAll();

	// painting
	virtual vgui::Panel *GetCellRenderer( int row );

	// layout
	void MoveScrollBarToTop();

	// selection
	void SetSelectedPanel( Panel *panel );
	Panel *GetSelectedPanel();
		On a panel being selected, a message gets sent to it
			"PanelSelected"		int "state"
		where state is 1 on selection, 0 on deselection

	void		SetVerticalBufferPixels( int buffer );

	//added functionality
	int GetItemIDFromRow( int nRow ) const;
	int FirstItem() const;
	int NextItem( int nItemID ) const;
	int InvalidItemID() const;
	void SetNumColumns( int iNumColumns );
	int GetNumColumns( void );
	void ScrollToItem( int itemNumber );
	//void CalcBestWidth( int LargestControlWidth = 0 );
	void SetShouldDrawLabels(bool b) { m_bShouldDrawLabels = b; }
	bool GetShouldDrawLabels() { return m_bShouldDrawLabels; }
	void SetLabelHeight(int i) { m_iLabelHeight = i; }
	int  GetLabelHeight() { return m_iLabelHeight; }
	//default is 20

	// overrides
	virtual void OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall);
	MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnSliderMoved, "ScrollBarSliderMoved", position );
	virtual void PerformLayout();
	virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
	virtual void OnMouseWheeled(int delta);

	int	ComputeVPixelsNeeded();


	typedef struct dataitem_s
		// Always store a panel pointer
		Panel *panel;
		Panel *labelPanel;

	// list of the column headers

	CUtlLinkedList<DATAITEM, int>		m_DataItems;
	CUtlVector<int>						m_SortedItems;

	ScrollBar				*m_vbar;
	Panel					*m_pPanelEmbedded;

	PHandle					m_hSelectedItem;
	int						m_iDefaultHeight;
	int						m_iPanelBuffer;
	int						m_iNumColumns;
	int						m_iLabelHeight;
	bool					m_bShouldDrawLabels;



#include "cbase.h"
#include "vgui/MouseCode.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"

#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui_controlgrid.h"

#include "KeyValues.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

using namespace vgui;

//Adds to "VGUI Build Mode Editor"

// Purpose: Constructor
ControlGrid::ControlGrid( vgui::Panel *parent, char const *panelName ) : Panel( parent, panelName )
	SetBounds( 0, 0, 100, 100 );

	m_vbar = new ScrollBar(this, "PanelListPanelVScroll", true);
	m_vbar->AddActionSignalTarget( this );

	m_pPanelEmbedded = new EditablePanel(this, "PanelListEmbedded");
	m_pPanelEmbedded->SetBounds(0, 0, 20, 20);
	m_pPanelEmbedded->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );

	m_bShouldDrawLabels = false;
	m_iLabelHeight = 20; //default room to leave for labels

	//m_iFirstColumnWidth = 100; // default width
	m_iNumColumns = 1; // 1 column by default

	if ( IsProportional() )
		m_iDefaultHeight = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), DEFAULT_HEIGHT );
		m_iPanelBuffer = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), PANELBUFFER );
		m_iDefaultHeight = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
		m_iPanelBuffer = PANELBUFFER;

// Purpose: Destructor
	// free data from table

void ControlGrid::SetVerticalBufferPixels( int buffer )
	m_iPanelBuffer = buffer;

// Purpose: counts the total vertical pixels
int	ControlGrid::ComputeVPixelsNeeded()
	int iLargestH = 0;
	int w, h;

	int pixels = 0;
	for ( int iCurrentItem = 0; iCurrentItem < m_SortedItems.Count(); iCurrentItem++ )
		Panel *panel = m_DataItems[ m_SortedItems[iCurrentItem] ].panel;
		if ( !panel )

		int iCurrentColumn = iCurrentItem % m_iNumColumns;

		panel->GetSize( w, h );

		if ( iLargestH < h )
			iLargestH = h;

		if ( iCurrentColumn == 0 && (!m_bShouldDrawLabels || iCurrentItem == 0) )
			pixels += m_iPanelBuffer; // add in buffer. between rows.

		if ( iCurrentColumn == m_iNumColumns - 1 && iCurrentItem != m_SortedItems.Count()-1 )
			if (m_bShouldDrawLabels)
				pixels += m_iLabelHeight;

			pixels += iLargestH;
			iLargestH = 0;

	// Add in remaining height
	if (m_bShouldDrawLabels)
		pixels += m_iLabelHeight;

	pixels += iLargestH;

	pixels += m_iPanelBuffer; // add in buffer below last item

	return pixels;

// Purpose: Returns the panel to use to render a cell
Panel *ControlGrid::GetCellRenderer( int row )
	if ( !m_SortedItems.IsValidIndex(row) )
		return NULL;

	Panel *panel = m_DataItems[ m_SortedItems[row] ].panel;
	return panel;

// Purpose: adds an item to the view
//			data->GetName() is used to uniquely identify an item
//			data sub items are matched against column header name to be used in the table
int ControlGrid::AddItem( Panel *panel, Panel *labelPanel)

	if ( labelPanel )
		labelPanel->SetParent( m_pPanelEmbedded );

	panel->SetParent( m_pPanelEmbedded );

	int itemID = m_DataItems.AddToTail();
	DATAITEM &newitem = m_DataItems[itemID];
	newitem.labelPanel = labelPanel;
	newitem.panel = panel;

	return itemID;

// Purpose: iteration accessor
int	ControlGrid::GetItemCount() const
	return m_DataItems.Count();

int ControlGrid::GetItemIDFromRow( int nRow ) const
	if ( nRow < 0 || nRow >= GetItemCount() )
		return m_DataItems.InvalidIndex();
	return m_SortedItems[ nRow ];

// Iteration. Use these until they return InvalidItemID to iterate all the items.
int ControlGrid::FirstItem() const
	return m_DataItems.Head();

int ControlGrid::NextItem( int nItemID ) const
	return m_DataItems.Next( nItemID );

int ControlGrid::InvalidItemID() const
	return m_DataItems.InvalidIndex( );

// Purpose: returns label panel for this itemID
Panel *ControlGrid::GetItemLabel(int itemID)
	if ( !m_DataItems.IsValidIndex(itemID) )
		return NULL;

	return m_DataItems[itemID].labelPanel;

// Purpose: returns label panel for this itemID
Panel *ControlGrid::GetItemPanel(int itemID)
	if ( !m_DataItems.IsValidIndex(itemID) )
		return NULL;

	return m_DataItems[itemID].panel;

// Purpose: 
void ControlGrid::RemoveItem(int itemID)
	if ( !m_DataItems.IsValidIndex(itemID) )

	DATAITEM &item = m_DataItems[itemID];
	if ( item.panel )
	if ( item.labelPanel )



// Purpose: clears and deletes all the memory used by the data items
void ControlGrid::DeleteAllItems()
	FOR_EACH_LL( m_DataItems, i )
		if ( m_DataItems[i].panel )
			delete m_DataItems[i].panel;



// Purpose: clears and deletes all the memory used by the data items
void ControlGrid::RemoveAll()

	// move the scrollbar to the top of the list

// Purpose: 
void ControlGrid::OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall)
	BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(wide, tall);

// Purpose: relayouts out the panel after any internal changes
void ControlGrid::PerformLayout()
	int wide, tall;
	GetSize( wide, tall );

	int vpixels = ComputeVPixelsNeeded();

	m_vbar->SetVisible( true );
	m_vbar->SetRange( 0, vpixels );
	m_vbar->SetRangeWindow( tall );
	m_vbar->SetButtonPressedScrollValue( tall / 4 ); // standard height of labels/buttons etc.

	m_vbar->SetPos( wide - m_vbar->GetWide() - 2, 0 );
	m_vbar->SetSize( m_vbar->GetWide(), tall - 2 );

	int top = m_vbar->GetValue();

	m_pPanelEmbedded->SetPos( 1, -top );
	m_pPanelEmbedded->SetSize( wide - m_vbar->GetWide() - 2, vpixels );

	int sliderPos = m_vbar->GetValue();
	// Now lay out the controls on the embedded panel
	int y = 0;
	int h = 0;
	int totalh = 0;

	int xpos = m_iPanelBuffer;
	int iColumnWidth = ( wide - xpos - m_vbar->GetWide() - 12 ) / m_iNumColumns;

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++ )
		int iCurrentColumn = i % m_iNumColumns;

		// add in a little buffer between panels
		if ( iCurrentColumn == 0 && (!m_bShouldDrawLabels || i == 0) )
			y += m_iPanelBuffer;

		DATAITEM &item = m_DataItems[ m_SortedItems[i] ];

		if ( h < item.panel->GetTall() )
			h = item.panel->GetTall();

		if (totalh >= sliderPos)
			if ( item.labelPanel && m_bShouldDrawLabels )
				item.labelPanel->SetBounds( xpos + iCurrentColumn*iColumnWidth, y + item.panel->GetTall(), iColumnWidth, m_iLabelHeight );

			item.panel->SetBounds( xpos + iCurrentColumn * iColumnWidth, y, iColumnWidth, item.panel->GetTall() );

		if ( iCurrentColumn >= m_iNumColumns - 1 )
			if (m_bShouldDrawLabels)
				h += m_iLabelHeight;

			y += h;
			totalh += h;

			h = 0;

// Purpose: determines the best width for the control based on the width of inserted elements
// Note: This function is commented out because control elements do not always give accurate information
//       from their control->GetWidth() functions. (who knew...) Otherwise, it works fine.
void ControlGrid::CalcBestWidth(int LargestControlWidth)
	int width = m_iPanelBuffer;
	CUtlVector<int> rowWidths;
	int w, h;

	//create vector containing widths of rows
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_SortedItems.Count(); i++ )
		int iCurrentColumn = i % m_iNumColumns;

		DATAITEM &item = m_DataItems[ m_SortedItems[i] ];

		int trueWidth = item.panel->GetWide();
		if (trueWidth < LargestControlWidth)
			trueWidth = LargestControlWidth;
		width += trueWidth + m_iPanelBuffer;

		if ( iCurrentColumn >= m_iNumColumns - 1 )
			width = 0;

	//compare widths of rows, see which is largest and use it
	for ( int i = 0; i < rowWidths.Count(); i++ )
		bool isLargest = true;

		for ( int j = 0; j < rowWidths.Count(); j++ )
			if ( rowWidths.Element(i) < rowWidths.Element(j) )
				isLargest = false;

		if (isLargest)
			width = rowWidths.Element(i);

	SetSize( width ? width : 100, GetTall() );
// Purpose: scheme settings
void ControlGrid::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)

	SetBgColor(GetSchemeColor("ListPanel.BgColor", GetBgColor(), pScheme));

// Purpose: 
void ControlGrid::OnSliderMoved( int position )

// Purpose: 
void ControlGrid::MoveScrollBarToTop()

void ControlGrid::SetNumColumns( int iNumColumns )
	m_iNumColumns = iNumColumns;

int ControlGrid::GetNumColumns( void )
	return m_iNumColumns;

// Purpose: moves the scrollbar with the mousewheel
void ControlGrid::OnMouseWheeled(int delta)
	int val = m_vbar->GetValue();
	val -= (delta * DEFAULT_HEIGHT);

// Purpose: selection handler
void ControlGrid::SetSelectedPanel( Panel *panel )
	if ( panel != m_hSelectedItem )
		// notify the panels of the selection change
		if ( m_hSelectedItem )
			PostMessage( m_hSelectedItem, new KeyValues("PanelSelected", "state", 0) );
		if ( panel )
			PostMessage( panel, new KeyValues("PanelSelected", "state", 1) );
		m_hSelectedItem = panel;

// Purpose: data accessor
Panel *ControlGrid::GetSelectedPanel()
	return m_hSelectedItem;

// Purpose: 
void ControlGrid::ScrollToItem( int itemNumber )
	if (!m_vbar->IsVisible())

	DATAITEM& item = m_DataItems[ m_SortedItems[ itemNumber ] ];
	if ( !item.panel )

	int x, y;
	item.panel->GetPos( x, y );
	int lx, ly;
	lx = x;
	ly = y;
	m_pPanelEmbedded->LocalToScreen( lx, ly );
	ScreenToLocal( lx, ly );

	int h = item.panel->GetTall();

	if ( ly >= 0 && ly + h < GetTall() )

	m_vbar->SetValue( y );