VCD Blocking Tool

January 2024

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January 2024
The VCD Blocking Tool is a broken, practically-unreleased in-game tool that would have been used to place, name, move, and delete info_targets in the map, while in game. Likely to aide in creating choreography scenes. It was supposed to also be able to create save files in .vle files, as well as export all changes into a vmf, but these both seem to be broken.
It was mistakenly released during the 2007 Team Fortress 2 beta, though nobody seems to have got it working before the whole tools system was deactivated and it is incompatible with the current build of the engine. However, it was actually released with Black Mesa, as it runs on the TF2 branch.
By default, trying to open a bsp file or vle file will result in an error printing in console, that it was unable to open the specified file. To get it to open .bsps at all, you need to place them in a directory that has all three of the following folders: game, content, and maps. An example directory would be: Black Mesa\bms\game\content\maps.
Once the bsp is in the maps folder, you can open it in game by loading up the tool and doing File > new > bsp.
As stated above, the export functionality of the tool to a vmf file seems to be broken, so this tool is just a neat novelty.