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WAD JSON for ericw-tools concept
// valid instances of "contents"; either:
// - a case-insensitive string containing the textual representation
// of the content type
// - a number
// It cannot be an array, due to BSP format limitations
"contents": -16,
"contents": "LADDER",
// valid instances of "flags"; either:
// - a case-insensitive string containing the textual representation
// of the surface flags
// - a number
// - an array of the two above, which will be OR'd together
"flags": [ "SPECIAL", 16 ],
"flags": 24,
"flags": "SPECIAL",
// Array of compiler-specific flags that aren't written to the actual
"compile_flags": [ "NODRAW", "NOCULL" ],
// array of which ambients to affect, instead of basing upon texture prefix ("NONE" to not have ambients)
"ambients": [ "SKY", "WATER" ],
"contents_priority": 1, // which priority group to use for determining brush contents when mismatch
"hulls": [ 1, 3], // which clipping hulls are affected
"light": 1234, // Texlight brightness
"subdivide_size": 48, // override subdivision size
// defaults if not defined in entities other than worldspawn
"_phong_angle": "44",
"_shadow": "-1",
// width/height are allowed to be supplied in order to
// have the editor treat the surface as if its dimensions
// are these rather than the ones pulled in from the image
// itself. they must be integers.
"width": 64,
"height": 64,
// color to use for lighting bounces. if specified, this
// is used instead of averaging the pixels of the image.
"color": [255, 128, 64]
Point entity for casting ambient visleaf sounds for Quake BSPs
@PointClass color(0 0 255) iconsprite("sprites/speaker.spr") = ambient_visleaf :
"A compiler-only entity that casts nondirectional ambient sounds, which have their volume controlled in visleaves. Only used in Quake I and Hexen II; not used in GoldSrc, and not available in Quake II."
_type(choices) : "Ambience type" : 0 : "What type of ambient sounds to emit from this point. Only water and sky have any effect in most engines." =
0 : "Water" // ambience/water1.wav
1 : "Sky" // ambience/wind2.wav
2 : "Slime" // unused
3 : "Lava" // unused
// volume controls would be nice, but would require more work to implement
_volume(float) : "Max Volume" : 1.0 : "How loud this sound is when the listener is in the same visleaf as it (range 0-1)."
_attenuation(float) : "Distance attenuation scale" : 1.0 // idk how this'd work
// might want to put another entity-based sound in the same location, like ambient_drip
_keep(choices) : "Don't strip after compiling" : : "Enable this to keep this entity in the compiled BSP after VIS is done running. Normally, it is removed to avoid flooding the dev console (and reduce file size)." =
"" : "Strip entity"
1 : "Keep"
_rename_postcompile(string) : "Entity if kept" : : "If this entity isn't stripped after compiling VIS, the classname is changed to this." // Should be done after RAD is done, so it can be used for other purposes
@PointClass color(0 0 255) = map2prop_texdata :
"Texture definition for Map2Prop"
texture(shader) : "Texture name" : : "Name of the texture as seen in the map; limit 56 characters."
remap_texture(string) : "Remap texture name" : : "Name of the texture as seen in the resulting SMD, if different from the name in the map; limit 56 characters."
res_x(integer) : "X resolution" : : "Dimensions of the texture on the X axis"
res_x(integer) : "Y resolution" : : "Dimensions of the texture on the X axis"
smooth(float) : "Smoothing threshold" : 44
smooth_group(integer) : "Smoothing group" : 0 : "Edges between textures in different smoothing groups are always treated as sharp."
normal_flip(integer) : "Invert normals" : 0
spawnflags(flags) =
// Using for $texrendermode; uses same values as in the MDL
1 : "Flatshade" : 0
2 : "Chrome" : 0
4 : "Fullbright (Sven only)" : 0
32 : "Additive" : 0
64 : "Masked" : 0