User:NOUG4AT/ZHLT Code Analysis

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C++ Header Filezhlt/hlvis/vis.h

Note.pngNote:HLVIS header file contains declarations used in the HL1 (VVIS) compilation. VIS calculates which areas of the map are visible to each other, optimizing rendering performance by determining which parts of the map do not need to be rendered due to being occluded by other geometry.


Definition Description
HLVIS_MAXDIST Macro to enable maximum distance setting
MAX_VISBLOCKERS Maximum number of visblockers
DEFAULT_FULLVIS Default value for full visibility
DEFAULT_CHART Default value for chart
DEFAULT_INFO Default value for info
DEFAULT_ESTIMATE Default value for estimate (platform-specific)
DEFAULT_FASTVIS Default value for fast visibility
DEFAULT_NETVIS_PORT Default network visibility port
DEFAULT_NETVIS_RATE Default network visibility rate
MAX_PORTALS Maximum number of portals
PORTALFILE Portal file name
MAX_POINTS_ON_FIXED_WINDING Maximum number of points on fixed winding

Structures and Types


Member Description
original Indicates if the winding is original
numpoints Number of points in the winding
points Array of points in the winding


Member Description
normal Normal vector of the plane
dist Distance from the origin


Value Description
stat_none No status
stat_working Currently working
stat_done Process completed


Member Description
plane Plane of the portal
leaf Leaf of the portal
winding Winding of the portal
status Status of the portal
visbits Visibility bits of the portal
mightsee Potential visibility of the portal
nummightsee Number of potential visibility
numcansee Number of visible portals
zone Zone of the portal


Member Description
next Next separating plane
plane Plane of the portal