Function |
cgD3D8TypeToSize(CGtype type) |
Returns the size of the specified type
cgD3D8ResourceToInputRegister(CGresource resource) |
Returns the input register for a resource
cgD3D8GetVertexDeclaration(CGprogram prog, DWORD decl[MAX_FVF_DECL_SIZE]) |
Retrieves the vertex declaration for a program
cgD3D8ValidateVertexDeclaration(CGprogram prog, const DWORD* decl) |
Validates a vertex declaration for a program
cgD3D8GetDevice() |
Returns the current IDirect3DDevice8 object
cgD3D8SetDevice(IDirect3DDevice8* pDevice) |
Sets the current IDirect3DDevice8 object
cgD3D8LoadProgram(CGprogram prog, CGbool paramShadowing, DWORD assemFlags, DWORD vshaderUsage, const DWORD* vertexDecl) |
Loads a program with specified parameters
cgD3D8UnloadProgram(CGprogram prog) |
Unloads a program
cgD3D8IsProgramLoaded(CGprogram prog) |
Checks if a program is loaded
cgD3D8BindProgram(CGprogram prog) |
Binds a program
cgD3D8SetUniform(CGparameter param, const void* floats) |
Sets a uniform parameter with float values
cgD3D8SetUniformArray(CGparameter param, DWORD offset, DWORD numItems, const void* values) |
Sets an array of uniform parameters
cgD3D8SetUniformMatrix(CGparameter param, const D3DMATRIX* matrix) |
Sets a uniform matrix parameter
cgD3D8SetUniformMatrixArray(CGparameter param, DWORD offset, DWORD numItems, const D3DMATRIX* matrices) |
Sets an array of uniform matrix parameters
cgD3D8SetTexture(CGparameter param, IDirect3DBaseTexture8* tex) |
Sets a texture parameter
cgD3D8SetTextureStageState(CGparameter param, D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE type, DWORD value) |
Sets a texture stage state parameter
cgD3D8SetTextureWrapMode(CGparameter param, DWORD value) |
Sets the texture wrap mode parameter
cgD3D8EnableParameterShadowing(CGprogram prog, CGbool enable) |
Enables parameter shadowing for a program
cgD3D8IsParameterShadowingEnabled(CGprogram prog) |
Checks if parameter shadowing is enabled for a program
cgD3D8GetLatestVertexProfile() |
Returns the latest vertex profile
cgD3D8GetLatestPixelProfile() |
Returns the latest pixel profile
cgD3D8GetOptimalOptions(CGprofile profile) |
Returns the optimal options for a profile
cgD3D8GetLastError() |
Returns the last error
cgD3D8TranslateCGerror(CGerror error) |
Translates a CGerror to a string
cgD3D8TranslateHRESULT(HRESULT hr) |
Translates an HRESULT to a string
cgD3D8EnableDebugTracing(CGbool enable) |
Enables debug tracing