User:Max34/Main Page

来自Valve Developer Community
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Icon-Important.png重要:I absolutely disagree with the barrage of criticism that has fallen on the new style of the main page made by THE OWL, but I agree that the new style has not yet been completed, since it lacks many important links and adaptability on small screens (including smartphones). Please, if you care, write a comment on the discussion page about how it would be better and what this page lacks.

I believe in the new design and I don’t see anything wrong with it changing and developing (it’s not about the design that makes everything too colorful, I would also like to fix it).

I'm also testing my new system with languages (this is noticeable since all the languages are hidden in a drop-down list). You can learn more about this from my comments on the template “Page” talk page.

Blank image.png待完善: ☐ Optimization

Add adaptability

Return the “For mod teams” block (very scuffed, please fix)

☐ Rework VDC-Navbox to a new style

Return text and colors to the documentation buttons

☐ Work on translation into Russian (I only know it and English, so.. yes)

☐ Make the page code more readable?..

Beat up THE OWL for publishing an unfinished version of this page (it’s a joke)

☐ Make buttons with links to documentation fully clickable

☐ Make sure text is displayed at the correct size on smartphones

☐ Add more useful buttons to recommendations

Rework the code for the background image (this has been done, but with a small page height it goes below the page. Not critical for the main page)

☐ Select (or create) another image for the background. Something that will describe all versions of the engine, development on it and games in general.

(For copying: ☐ )

Counter-Strike 2 - Screenshot 5.jpg
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