Main Page (Original)

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Note.pngNote:This is a archive of very first Main Page revision from 05:37, June 28, 2005. Most stuff is unchanged, but some stuff are fixed due to recent High-DPI images update, aswell as website update back in 2010-2011, which changed BG to black, breaking gif images.
The purposes of this page simply are for nostalgia only.

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Valve Technology


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Our knowledgebase of technical information about using the engine and all of the related tools is now posted on an community-driven web site called a WIKI. Sign up as a developer to contribute or to ask a question.

For MOD Teams

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Doublearrow.png Read "Making a MOD" - building a team through the shipping process.
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Latest News

Source Control (Perforce) Explained
Tues May 31, 2005
A full (massive!) tutorial has been added to the SDK documentation.

Players Online Reach Record Numbers
Tues May 31, 2005
Steam "Third-party" multiplayer games have reached record player numbers. Average player minutes per month: 88 million. See this Steam status page for current numbers.

MOD Expo
Tues May 31, 2005
Coming Soon - Info on the next MOD expo being held at Valve's offices near Seattle.