I've got more of this stuff. Where should I put them all? Just here or... somewhere else... (Ha! you didn't expect the last 2 words, did you?)
Making the antlion burn!
Add the following under protected
in npc_antlion.h
virtual bool AllowedToIgnite( void ) { return true; }
Well, now the damh thing burns but it doesn't visually respond to it. You can use the drown-animation: Add the following piece of code to the top of the function GatherConditions():
if( IsOnFire() ) { SetCondition( COND_ANTLION_IN_WATER ); }
Here's a very handy function from the Plan Of Attack source.
#ifdef CLIENT_DLL int UTIL_LoadTexture(const char *szFile) { char szStr[256]; // try to pull it int iID = vgui::surface()->DrawGetTextureId(szFile); // did we get it? if(iID >= 0) return iID; // does the file exist? Q_snprintf(szStr, sizeof(szStr), "materials/%s.vmt", szFile); if(!vgui::filesystem()->FileExists(szStr)) { DevMsg("UTIL_LoadTexture: texture %s does not exist!\n", szFile); return -1; } // create the new texture iID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile(iID, szFile, true, false); return iID; } #endif
Disallow players connecting to a server with a different version
Add the file version.h
to your game_shared and add it to both projects. Content:
#define VERSION "0.01"
Then add to cdll_client_int.cpp
void cl_versionCallback_f( ConVar *var, char const *pOldString ) { if( Q_stricmp( var->GetString(), var->GetDefault() ) ) var->Revert(); } static ConVar cl_version ( "cl_version", VERSION, FCVAR_USERINFO|FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "The version of this mod", cl_versionCallback_f );
Then open GameInterface.cpp
and find the function ClientConnect()
Replace the contents of that function with this:
// DM: Get the version of the client and compare it with the server's version const char* version = engine->GetClientConVarValue( engine->IndexOfEdict( pEdict ), "cl_version" ); if (stricmp(VERSION, version) == 0) { return g_pGameRules->ClientConnected( pEdict, pszName, pszAddress, reject, maxrejectlen ); // Aka true } else { char string [256]; Q_snprintf( string, sizeof(string), "The server runs a different version (%s)", VERSION); Q_strcpy( reject, string ); maxrejectlen = strlen(string); return false; }
Just don't forget to change the define everytime you release a new version
Improved lagcompensation code
Open dlls/player_lagcompensation.cpp
and replace, around line 369
// lost track, too much difference return;
// DM: Some small improvements for lagcompensation // From Plan of Attack-source // did we found a context smaller then target time ? if ( record->m_flSimulationTime <= flTargetTime ) break; // hurra, stop // store this position for the next time through the loop prevOrg = record->m_vecOrigin; // go one step back curr = track->Next( curr );
Also take a look at the code from Sticky Player Collisions
PHP's substr
By Vaber:
char * substr( char * dst, const char * src, signed int from, signed int to) { if( (int)strlen( src ) < from ) { strcpy( dst, src ); return dst; } int ifrom = (from >= 0) ? from : ((int)strlen(src) + from); int ito = (to >= 0) ? to : ((int)strlen(src) + to) - ifrom; int i = ifrom; int j = 0; for( ; i < ito + ifrom; i++, j++) { dst[ j ] = src[ i ]; } dst[ j ] = 0; return dst; } char * substr( char * dst, const char * src, signed int pos ) { return substr( dst, src, pos, (int)strlen( src ) ); }
const char* UTIL_ModelToName(const char * modelName) { if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "combine_soldier") ) { return "Combine Soldier"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "combine_super_soldier") ) { return "Combine Elite"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "strider") ) { return "Strider"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "antlion_guard") ) { return "Antlionguard"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "antlion") ) { return "Antlion"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "headcrabblack") ) { return "Poison Headcrab"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "headcrabclassic") ) { return "Headcrab"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "headcrab") ) { return "Fast Headcrab"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "zombie/poison") ) { return "Poison Zombie"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "zombie/fast") ) { return "Fast Zombie"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "zombie_soldier") ) { return "Zombine"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "zombie") ) { return "Zombie"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "Group01") ) { if( Q_stristr(modelName, "female") ) return "Citizen Female"; else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "male") ) return "Citizen Male"; return "Citizen"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "Group02") ) { if( Q_stristr(modelName, "female") ) return "Refugee Female"; else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "male") ) return "Refugee Male"; return "Refugee"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "Group03m") ) { if( Q_stristr(modelName, "female") ) return "Rebel Female (Medic)"; else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "male") ) return "Rebel Male (Medic)"; return "Rebel (Medic)"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "Group03") ) { if( Q_stristr(modelName, "female") ) return "Rebel Female"; else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "male") ) return "Rebel Male"; return "Rebel"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "barnacle") ) { return "Barnacle"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "icthyosaur") ) { return "Icthyosaur"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "manhack") ) { return "Combine Manhack"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "roller") ) { return "Combine Rollermine"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "police") ) { return "Combine Metrocop"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "turret") ) { return "Combine Turret"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "vortigaunt") ) { return "Vortigaunt"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "scanner") ) { return "Combine Scanner"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "dropship") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "destroyed") ) { return "Combine Dropship"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "gunship") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "destroyed") ) { return "Combine Gunship"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "helicopter") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "destroyed") ) { return "Combine Helicopter"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "combine_mine01") ) { return "Combine Hopper"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "helicopter") ) { return "Combine Helicopter"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "alyx") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "gun") ) { return "Alyx"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "breen.mdl") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "monitor") ) { return "Breen"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "barney") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "helmet") ) { return "Barney"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "kleiner") ) { return "Kleiner"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "gman") ) { return "G-Man"; } else if( Q_stristr(modelName, "eli") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "_") ) // well, must be after hELIcopter :D { return "Eli"; } else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "dog.mdl") ) { return "Dog"; } // APC as last, because it's only 3 letters else if ( Q_stristr(modelName, "apc") && !Q_stristr(modelName, "destroyed") ) { return "Combine APC"; } return NULL; }
Is player AFK?
With this little code you can see which players are AFK. Nice for in the scoreboard.
Add to multiplay_gamerules.cpp
ConVar mp_afktime( "mp_afktime", "20", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_REPLICATED, "delay before setting unactive player as AFK" );
Open player.cpp
and add after the includes:
extern ConVar mp_afktime;
Add to CBasePlayer::CBasePlayer
m_fLastActive = 0.0f; m_bAFK = false;
And add to the top of the function CBasePlayer::PostThink
if( m_nButtons == 0 ) { int diff1 = gpGlobals->curtime - m_fLastActive; int diff2 = gpGlobals->curtime - m_fLastPlayerTalkTime; if( diff1 > mp_afktime.GetInt() && diff2 > mp_afktime.GetInt() ) m_bAFK = true; } else { m_fLastActive = gpGlobals->curtime; m_bAFK = false; }
Also add to player.h
float m_fLastActive; bool m_bAFK; bool IsAFK() { return m_bAFK; }