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UTIL_Smoke is a UTIL provided in the Source code for creating smoke. This appears to be a hardcoded particle smoke, so it may be wiser to use a Particle System based smoke instead.
// Purpose: Creates smoke at the origin of specified scale at specified framerate
// Input : &origin - Worldspace vector to emit smoke from
// scale - Scale of the smoke particles
// framerate - framerate of playback
// Output :
void UTIL_Smoke( const Vector &origin, const float scale, const float framerate )
void CNPC_Stalker::DoSmokeEffect( const Vector &position )
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_nextSmokeTime )
m_nextSmokeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5;
UTIL_Smoke(position, random->RandomInt(5, 10), 10);
// --------------------------------------
// Smoke or bubbles effect
// --------------------------------------
//If we're in water, we create bubbles
if (UTIL_PointContents ( GetAbsOrigin() ) & MASK_WATER)
//Otherwise, just create some smoke
UTIL_Smoke(GetAbsOrigin(), random->RandomInt(5, 10), 10);