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UTIL_ScreenShakeObject is a UTIL provided in the Source code for shaking objects. It will also shake all players on, or near it.


// Purpose: Shake the screen of all clients within radius.
//			radius == 0, shake all clients
// Input  : pEnt - Entity to shake
// Input  : center - Center of screen shake, radius is measured from here.
//			amplitude - Amplitude of shake
//			frequency - 
//			duration - duration of shake in seconds.
//			radius - Radius of effect, 0 shakes all clients.
//			command - One of the following values:
//				SHAKE_START - starts the screen shake for all players within the radius
//				SHAKE_STOP - stops the screen shake for all players within the radius
//				SHAKE_AMPLITUDE - modifies the amplitude of the screen shake
//									for all players within the radius
//				SHAKE_FREQUENCY - modifies the frequency of the screen shake
//									for all players within the radius
//                              //OTHERS MAY APPLY (See ShakeCommand_t values below)
//			bAirShake - if this is false, then it will only shake players standing on the ground.
void UTIL_ScreenShakeObject( CBaseEntity *pEnt, const Vector &center, float amplitude, 
                float frequency, float duration, float radius, ShakeCommand_t eCommand, bool bAirShake )

ShakeCommand_t values

SHAKE_START = 0,		// Starts the screen shake for all players within the radius.
SHAKE_STOP,				// Stops the screen shake for all players within the radius.
SHAKE_AMPLITUDE,		// Modifies the amplitude of an active screen shake for all players within the radius.
SHAKE_FREQUENCY,		// Modifies the frequency of an active screen shake for all players within the radius.
SHAKE_START_RUMBLEONLY,	// Starts a shake effect that only rumbles the controller, no screen effect.
SHAKE_START_NORUMBLE,	// Starts a shake that does NOT rumble the controller.


//This example checks if it's time to 'shake' the gun on the Airboat again
//And if so, shakes the entire airboat, like the gun was causing
//the frame to take forces from firing.
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextGunShakeTime )
        //WorldSpaceCenter() gets the center of the object.
	UTIL_ScreenShakeObject( this, WorldSpaceCenter(), 0.2, 250.0, CANNON_SHAKE_INTERVAL, 250, SHAKE_START );
	m_flNextGunShakeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 * CANNON_SHAKE_INTERVAL; 