UTIL SayTextAll

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A UTIL wrapper function for UTIL_SayTextFilter that sends a message to all players.


void UTIL_SayTextAll( const char *pText, CBasePlayer *pPlayer, bool bChat )


Tells everyone in chat that the server will restart in sv_restart_server_delay (not defined for concisement reasons) seconds.

    char *pszNotifyRestartText = "";
    V_snprintf( pszNotifyRestartText, sizeof(pszNotifyRestartText), "This server will restart in %f seconds.", sv_restart_server_delay.GetFloat() );
    UTIL_SayTextAll( pszNotifyRestartText, UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex(), true );

A message that emits to all players' console output.

UTIL_SayTextAll( "I'm a console message that is sent to everyone!", UTIL_GetCommandClient(), false );