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UTIL_Bubbles is a UTIL provided in the Source code for creating bubbles spread out within a cubic volume.
// Purpose: Creates bubbles spaced throughout the mins/maxes given.
// Input : &mins | Vector of the Mins of the box to create
// Input : &maxs | Vector of the Maxs of the box to create
// Input : count | Number of bubbles
// Output :
void UTIL_Bubbles( const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, int count )
Vector mid = (mins + maxs) * 0.5;
float flHeight = UTIL_WaterLevel( mid, mid.z, mid.z + 1024 );
flHeight = flHeight - mins.z;
CPASFilter filter( mid );
te->Bubbles( filter, 0.0,
&mins, &maxs, flHeight, g_sModelIndexBubbles, count, 8.0 );
//pHurt->GetAbsOrigin()+ Vector( -32.0f, -32.0f, -32.0f)
//Gets the Origin of pHurt, and then goes 32 units down, 32 behind, and 32 to the right.
//pHurt->GetAbsOrigin()+ Vector( 32.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f )
//Gets the Origin of pHurt, and then goes 32 units up, 32 forwards, and 32 to the left.
//These combine form a 64x64x64 box around pHurt's origin.
//random->RandomInt( 16, 32 ) returns a random Int between 16 and 32 for amount of bubbles to create.
UTIL_Bubbles( pHurt->GetAbsOrigin()+Vector(-32.0f,-32.0f,-32.0f), pHurt->GetAbsOrigin()+Vector(32.0f,32.0f,0.0f), random->RandomInt( 16, 32 ) );
//This example creates bubbles around the end of a Traceline from a Stalker beam attack.
//bInWater is defined elsewhere.
if (bInWater)