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January 2024

Project Status

On Hold

  • Name: Pier Pressure
  • Type: First release: Coop, second release: Versus
  • Chapters: 5
  • Status:
  • Chapter 1, Farmland - Planning: 040% - Construction: 020% - Entities: 010% - Beautification: 009%
  • Chapter 2, Bungalows - Planning: 005% - Construction: 000% - Entities: 000% - Beautification: 000%
  • Chapter 3, Cliffs - Planning: 008% - Construction: 000% - Entities: 000% - Beautification: 000%
  • Chapter 4, Beach - Planning: 005% - Construction: 005% - Entities: 000% - Beautification: 000%
  • Chapter 5, Pier - Planning: 055% - Construction: 040% - Entities: 040% - Beautification: 030%

Project Blog

February 26, 2009

Chapter 5

To allow the infected onto the pier at any early panic events, ladders have been placed up onto the pier at several points.

To stop players from being able to jump off of the pier at the start, I will have to place player clips around the edges. The only ways to stop players from backtracking to the previous level (the beach) would be invisible clips or no infected ladders onto the pier. I am thinking about changing the start of the pier level - possibly adding in large fences along the sides of the pier. This would allow the infected over, keep the survivors in and still provide a view of the beaches.

February 22, 2009

A minor update; I have done some more planning on the pier level, and constructed more of the first level. Seeing as British amusment piers are actualy a lot longer than I remember, I have decided to allow survivors to bypass most of the pier buildings by walking around the side. I will of course think of ways to make this more exciting.

Progress on the map should speed up with the SDK release, as testing has become impossible for me at the moment.

February 19, 2009

Chapter 1

I've added a small drainage section at the start of chapter one. The section can be skipped by a ladder, hidden around the back of the structure. Inside there is a small story-building setup, where a corpse is seen slumped in a chair, surrounded by dead infected, with 'GOD IS DEAD' written on the wall.

I also completed a rough poster for the entire movie.

Not related to the map; I've got a lot of work to do this week, so map progress will be slow.

February 16, 2009

I gathered some images today and made my first texture for the map. I'm hoping to make a lot of signs for this movie.

February 15, 2009

Here is that 'barricaded up' bridge. It may look safe, but features an entry point for zombies at both sides.

Chapter 1 Spawn

February 14, 2009

I've had this idea for a while, but decided to start a blog today. Hopefuly this map will get finished by me at some point.

I wanted to set a l4d map in an British setting, but couldn't think of anywhere exciting. Then came the news on the television that Western Supermare pier had burnt down. Obviously, I can't remodel the cars to be right-hand drive and I can't change the game characters to be British, but that doesn't matter. Here is the general layout:

  • Chapter1: Make your way out from under a bridge that has been barricaded up into a rickety shelter. From there, proceed through the countryide, across fields and finaly through a back-garden, into a bungalow saferoom
    Chapter 5 Spawn
  • Chapter2: Survivors move out from the Bungalow, though the zombie-ridden streets. This will be a maze of gardens and road-crossings, ending up at a car-park near the cliff edge. The ending of this chapter has not yet been planned.
  • Chapter3: Now, survivors move along the cliff-edge, facing more fields and roads to cross. A crescendo event set in a lighthouse has been planned for this chapter - similar to the church crescendo event. This chapter will probably end inside a building, on a main road near the beach.
  • Chapter4: To get past the beach, to the pier, survivors leave the building and move down the street. Proceeding down some stairs to the beach, the survivors face a long march to the pier - just on the horizon. This part of the map will require some major Beautification. The map ends when survivors pile up the stairs and into the pier entrance area.
  • Chapter5: Starting in a caged entrance area of the pier, survivors must move down the to the large building at the end. This was going to be an amusment arcade type building, but a lack of models will make this difficult. Instead, the pier will be on fire, and will also require some major beautification and detail. Survivors then call for a boat, and hold off the waves of zombies as a miniature lighthouse at the end of the pier flashes.

[//[Category:Left 4 Dead Projects]//]

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January 2024