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ship_item_spawner is an entity available in The Ship: Murder Party The Ship: Murder Party.

Entity Description

Item Spawner


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay dormant until activated (with theEnableinput).
  • SpawnItem1-5 <choices>
An individual item which this spawner will try and spawn
Literal Value Description


item_alice Alice in Wonderland
item_thebible The Bible
item_dracula Dracula
item_huckfinn Huckleberry Finn
item_huntersquarry The Hunter's Quarry
item_kamasutra Kamasutra
item_onoff On/Off
item_paradiselost Paradise Lost
item_prideandprejudice Pride and Prejudice
item_theraven The Raven
item_treasureisland Treasure Island


item_drink_can Can of Juice
item_drink_energy Energy Drink
item_food_chocolate Chocolate Bar
item_food_crisps Bag of Crisps
item_food_large_healthy_breakfast Jumbo Bag of Crisps



glasses_dark_male Dark Glasses
glasses_eyepatch_male Eyepatch
glasses_half_male Half-Moon Glasses
glasses_monocle_male Monocle
glasses_round_male Round Glasses


glasses_dark_female Dark Glasses
glasses_half_female Half-Moon Glasses
glasses_round_female Round Glasses



hat_bonnet_male Bonnet
hat_bowler_male Bowler Hat
hat_cap_male Cap
hat_deerstalker_male Deerstalker
hat_fedora_male Fedora
hat_gangster_male Gangster Hat
hat_male_guard Guard's Hat
hat_safari_male Safari Hat
hat_santa_male Santa Hat
hat_top_male Top Hat


hat_ascot_female Ascot
hat_beret_female Beret
hat_farmer_female Farmer Hat
hat_flapper_female Flapper Hat
hat_female_guard Guard's Hat
hat_santa_female Santa Hat
hat_sun_female Sun Hat
hat_turban_female Turban



outfit_male_guard Guard Uniform
outfit_male_kilt_# Kilt #
outfit_male_safari_# Safari #
outfit_male_braces_# Slacks & Open Collar #
outfit_male_golf_# Sporty Plus-Fours #
outfit_male_suit_# Suit #


outfit_female_ballgown_# Ballgown #
outfit_female_coat_# Coat #
outfit_female_dress_# Eveningwear #
outfit_female_farmer_# Farmer #
outfit_female_flapper_# Flapper #
outfit_female_guard Guard Uniform
outfit_female_trousers_# Suit #


item_car_magazine Classic Motors
item_economic_times Economic Times
item_entertainment_magazine Extra Magazine
item_travel_magazine Far and Away


item_catheter Catheter
item_colostomy_bag Colostomy Bag
item_sleeping_pills Sleeping Pills
item_prozac Happy Pills
item_deoderant Deodorant

Single Player

special_bible Bible w/ Shank
special_helmet Helmet
special_painting Painting
special_holy_grail Holy Grail


weapon_axe Axe
weapon_bbq_fork Barbeque Fork
weapon_baseball_bat Baseball Bat
weapon_blunder Blunderbuss
weapon_candlestick Candlestick
weapon_claymore Claymore
weapon_cleaver Cleaver
weapon_cooking_pot Cooking Pot
weapon_croquet_mallet Croquet Mallet
weapon_crowbar Crowbar
weapon_cut_throat Cutthroat Razor
weapon_flaregun Flare Gun
weapon_frying_pan Frying Pan
weapon_golf_club Golf Club
weapon_hammer Hammer
weapon_hunting_knife Hunting Knife
weapon_katana Katana
weapon_ghurka Khukri
weapon_kitchen_knife Kitchen Knife
weapon_needle Knitting Needle
weapon_letter_knife Letter Knife
weapon_mannequin_arm Mannequin Arm
weapon_paddle Paddle
weapon_pipe Pipe
weapon_pool_cue Pool Cue
weapon_purse Purse Bomb
weapon_revolver Revolver
weapon_rolling_pin Rolling Pin
weapon_scalpel Scalpel
weapon_screwdriver Screwdriver
weapon_shank Shank
weapon_short_sword Short Sword
weapon_shovel Shovel
weapon_spanner Spanner
weapon_syringe Poison Syringe
weapon_syringe_sleep Sleep Syringe
weapon_racquet Tennis Racquet
weapon_tommygun TommyGun
weapon_truncheon Truncheon
weapon_umbrella Umbrella
weapon_walking_stick Walking Stick
weapon_satchel Wallet Bomb
weapon_winchester Winchester
weapon_wrench Wrench
  • SpawnItemGroup <choices>
Spawn Items From Group. The item group (specified in scripts/items/ship_spawnable_items.txt) from which this spawner will pick items to spawn
  • none
  • bludgeon
  • books
  • box
  • cabin_desk
  • cabin_dresser
  • cabin_wardrobe
  • doctorbag
  • engineering
  • entertainment
  • female_clothing
  • kitchen
  • male_clothing
  • needs_items
  • ration_pack
  • security
  • shoot
  • spawnable
  • suitcase
  • magazines
  • medical
  • weapons
  • SpawnerPickDestType <choices>
Spawn to Which Destinations.
Literal Value Description
0 All will try to spawn an individually picked item at every available destination
1 All Same will try to spawn identical items at every available destination
2 Individual will pick an item and try to spawn it at a single available, randomly chosen destination
  • SpawnerPickItemType <choices>
Pick Item Method
Literal Value Description
0 Random picks an item at random from all those available
1 Cyclic cycles through all available items in order, then starts again from beginning
2 Hybrid shuffles items into random order, then cycles through them. Once all items have been picked, it reshuffles and starts again
  • DestinationGroup <string>
Destination Group. Name of a spawn destination where entities from this spawner will appear. If more then one destination shares this name, one will be picked at random, or all at once, depending on the Spawn to Which Destinations field. If no name is specified, the spawner will attempt to spawn on itself
NOTE: Multiple spawners can refer to the same group to concatinate their effects
  • SpawnFrequency <float>
Spawn Frequency. Time in seconds between spawns. -1.0 means it will never spawn
  • MaxLiveChildren <integer>
Max objects. Number of entities this spawner is allowed to have in a map at any one time. Like Max Number of Spawns except that as soon as an entity is removed from the map it will be able to spawn again. -1 for no limit
  • MaxSpawns <integer>
Max Number of Spawns. Total number of spawns possible - once it's reached this spawner is permanently disabled. Set to -1 for unlimited spawns
  • NoDuplicateRadius <float>
No Duplicate Spawn Radius. If any item which was spawned at this destination is within this radius, the spawn point will refuse to spawn anything new
  • RespawnDelay <float>
Respawn Delay. Minimum time in seconds between items spawning at this point. -1 for no limit


  • EnableDisable:
Enable / Disable
Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.
  • Toggle
Toggle this spawner on->off/off->on
  • Spawn
Force this spawner to try and spawn an item
