Template talk:MainPage/LanguageBar

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Position of the language bar

I can understand the idea behind centering it like the welcoming text is, but this is one of the cases where the behavior of this element should be consistent with every other page. The right side is where the language bar is expected to reside at. The welcoming text doesn't have to abide it because it's a special case, whereas language bar is a common case. Cvoxalury (talk) 03:26, 23 July 2024 (PDT)

Though another difference between language bar on other pages is the border around them and that they are "connected" to the horizontal bar below the title which isn't present on the main page so I thought it will look better and make more sense in the center. Can be also thought of "Welcome" being addressed to all the countries. Nescius (talk) 03:42, 23 July 2024 (PDT)
I have mixed feelings about this too, and I'm not sure if I'm qualified to speak about it because I don't use the language bar. However, since users can set which language they prefer in their preferences, I'm assuming the language bar is mainly used by people who are not signed in or for people who want to view/edit different translations. Since the main page is the default location for the wiki, it is going to be the highest traffic area for unregistered users, and therefore the main page's language bar is going to be the first language bar that many people will see.
With that in mind, I think the most important thing to ask is what effect centering the language bar above the welcome text will have on these users. Will it make the language bar more visible to someone unfamiliar with the wiki, or will it confuse them if the language bar is on the right side of every other article? I personally think the former is a more likely scenario, but again, I don't use the language bar and I don't think my input alone is enough for this. —Blixibon (talk) 09:26, 23 July 2024 (PDT)