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This template has been marked as a candidate for speedy deletion for the following reason:
Administrators / Moderators - Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting.
If you object to this decision, then please discuss why here (If you make a discussion section also create this redirect page). If this page doesn't meet the criteria for speedy deletion, then please remove this notice, but do not remove it from pages that you have created yourselfAdministrators / Moderators - Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting.
This page may not be important enough to to warrant a page on this site.
The subject may not be related to Valve or their engines or not be otherwise important enough to warrant existing (ie. unreleased/unimportant mods, games or standalone maps). If a conclusive reason for this pages existence cannot be brought forth, it will be marked for deletion.
The subject may not be related to Valve or their engines or not be otherwise important enough to warrant existing (ie. unreleased/unimportant mods, games or standalone maps). If a conclusive reason for this pages existence cannot be brought forth, it will be marked for deletion.
Intended for pages like Assault on Overwatch, which does not serve any reasonable purpose on this wiki.