Template:Syntax highlight

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This template applies CSS to text to signify it is a certain category, such as a comment, type, string, etc. the CSS here is taken from how <syntaxhighlight> renders code.


{{Syntax highlight|category|text}}

Supported Categories
Uses Example Shortcuts Preview
Character/String {{syntax highlight|character|'x'}}
{{syntax highlight|string|"Hello, World!"}}
{{stx|str|"Hello, World!"}}
Comment {{syntax highlight|comment|//comment}} {{stx|comm|//comment}} //comment
Control {{syntax highlight|control|if}} {{stx|ctrl|if}} if
Function {{syntax highlight|function|main}} {{stx|func|main}} main
Label {{syntax highlight|label|final}} {{stx|lbl|final}} final
Macro {{syntax highlight|macro|#define}} {{stx|mac|#define}} #define
Number/Operator {{syntax highlight|number|3.0f}}
{{syntax highlight|operator|+}}
Register {{syntax highlight|register|%rax}} {{stx|reg|%rax}} %rax
Regular Expression {{syntax highlight|regular expression|/a*b+/}} {{stx|regex|/a*b+/}} /a*b+/
Type {{syntax highlight|type|unsigned int}} {{stx|type|unsigned int}} unsigned int