Template:Fl Door

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  •  [1] : Starts Open Obsolete
    Door behaves more like the doors in Half-Life Half-Life. Some outputs don't work.
  •  [4] : Non-solid to Player
       Sets the collision group to COLLISION_GROUP_PASSABLE_DOOR, so the player cannot collide with it while other things can. This is not compatible with Ignore Debris as that also sets a collision group.
  •  [8] : Passable
       This door is solid to nothing at all.
  •  [32] : Toggle
       Inputs are interpreted as to open if the door is closed and to close if open, instead of the default behavior where inputs are always interpreted as to open. This sets the delay before reset to -1 (overriding wait), i.e., the door will never reset.
  •  [256] : Use Opens
  •  [512] : NPCs Can't
       NPCs can't open this door.
  •  [1024] : Touch Opens
       When a player or NPC touches the door, it will count as an attempt to open it.
    Icon-Bug.pngBug:The door will play it's Locked Sound when touched, even if Touch Opens is disabled  [todo tested in?]
  •  [2048] : Starts locked
       This door spawns locked and cannot be opened by the player or NPCs (but buttons can still trigger it).
  •  [4096] : Door Silent
       This door makes no noise.
  •  [65536] : New Use rules !FGD
       Door can only be used if it's not moving, is closing, or when it's open.