Talk:Logic script

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extended array

Are you sure the arrays can be extended? I turned smart edit off and added more arrays, so that i end up with 36 (i still need more).
Now everytime the logic_script has to do anything, i get the following error:

AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index '16' does not exist]

*FUNCTION [StopAllMusic()] f:/programme/steam/steamapps/common/left 4 dead 2/tumtara/scripts/vscripts/TUMTaRA_Music.nut line [386]
*FUNCTION [Play_Snd_alarm3()] f:/programme/steam/steamapps/common/left 4 dead 2/tumtara/scripts/vscripts/TUMTaRA_Music.nut line [319]
*FUNCTION [main()] InputRunScript line [1]

[this] TABLE
[this] TABLE
[vargv] ARRAY
[this] TABLE

According to the callstack the game knew what it was meant to do, but it just wouldn't do it because appereantly only the indexes 0-15 exist.
Even after i edited the "base.fdg" and manually expanded the available slots to 100 (screenshot) it still would not work.
So i'm pretty sure you can not expand the arrays past 15 --MrFunreal (talk) 14:58, 5 September 2017 (UTC)

Indeed, logic_script cannot get more values. That error is from the Squirrel script, not finding value 16. You need to edit the game code to allow more. --TeamSpen210 (talk) 11:22, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

In that case i feel we should add this information the the main page. Stating that the list could be extended, but it would not work. --MrFunreal (talk) 14:29, 6 September 2017 (UTC)

How can I invoke script function with string params?

Never try to pass string parameters to a script function with RunScriptCode.

So what is the solution? Is there anybody know it?

Does the VMF file have quotation mark escape characters?