Talk:Info player start

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Player Model Crysis!

OK, today i learned how to make a Mirror in Hammer. but when i compiled and tested out the map everything was reflected but ME! i know a lot about HL2 and The source engine but is there any way i can have a player model that i can see? kind a like in FEAR2 Or CODMW2. how you see the model when you look down. how can i do that? --Dillodude94 23:27, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

--I'm not yet sure on this, but i am pretty sure it's coding based and you'd need to make your own mod to do it. --Welsh Mullet 11:21, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Adding name to the entity

You can actually add targetname to the info_player_start if you'll edit base.fgd file.
Just simply edit the first line of the entity (PlayerClass, Angles) to (Targetname, PlayerClass, Angles) and that's it! You can now teleport this entity via point_teleport or use "FireUser" inputs! --GAnimator 3:57, 07 April 2024 (UTC)