Talk:Gamepad UI in mods

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This guide is really good. If only Valve gave us the gamepad support code so mods with custom binaries could use it though. --Mandrew (talk) 15:26, 10 June 2022 (PDT)

The 🐸 frog who programmed the gamepadui for Valve is planning to release it open source. But she seems very busy atm and it'll prob take some time -- Tea (talk)

So, did anyone figure out how to actually make it work on (e.g. Steam-) Controller?

I tried a few things that didn't work:

  • sc_force_action_manifest hl2 - doesn't seem to work.
  • sc_enable 1 - doens't do anything (is 1 by default)
  • sc_controller_mode 1 - doesn't do anything (is 0 by default)
  • ❌ all of the above in autoexec.cfg, doesn't work
  • ❌ copy steam_input/action_manifest_hl2.vdf and editing it to be [modname]-specific instead of HL2-specific, then sc_force_action_manifest [modname] (still tries to load from Half-Life 2 folder, not relative mod folder - and even if you copy [modname]-specific files there, I couldn't get it to work.

Ideas are appreciated! --Tea (talk)

  1. have your mod ready and optimized according to this article
  2. instead of launching the mod itself from Steam, select the game (Half-Life 2 or Portal) instead
  3. add the parameter -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\sourcemods\<yourmodname>" (replace <yourmodname> obviously, and path if installed on a different drive)
  4. launch the game (Half-Life 2 or Portal)

obviously not really suitable for mod releases. Valve might fix soon, the people who worked on it are aware of the lack of proper controller support.
Thanks to 🐸 frog for discovering this workaround. --Tea (talk)

I assume this won't work for mods with custom dlls --Mandrew (talk) 21:36, 27 July 2022 (PDT)