Standard Place Names for CS:S
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This is a list of the standard place names that can be used with a nav mesh in Counter-Strike: Source.
They can be obtained by invoking nav_use_place with no argument.
Attic Back BackAlley BackDoor BackHall BackRoom BackWay BackYard Balcony Basement Bathroom Bedroom BigOffice BombsiteA BombsiteB BombsiteC Bridge Bunker CTSpawn ComputerRoom ConferenceRoom Courtyard Crates Crawlspace Deck Den DoubleDoors Downstairs Ducts Dumpster Elevator Entrance Entryway FamilyRoom FarSide Foyer Front FrontDoor FrontHall FrontRoom FrontYard Garage Gate GateHouse GuardHouse HostageRescueZone House Inside Kitchen Ladder LittleOffice LivingRoom LoadingDock Lobby Loft LongHall MainHall Market MeetingRoom Middle Mines Office Outside Overpass Patio Porch ProjectorRoom Ramp Rear Roof SecurityDoors Sewers Side SideAlley SideDoor SideHall SideRoom SideYard Stairs Stairwell StorageRoom TSpawn Tower Truck Tunnel Underground Underpass Upstairs Vault VendingMachines Village VipRescueZone Wall Water Window Windows WineCellar