Spirit of Half-Life/en

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Spirit of Half-Life Spirit of Half-Life (SoHL) is a modified game engine designed for modders of Half-Life Half-Life, offering a range of new features and capabilities not found in the original Half-Life engine by Valve Valve.


  • Enhanced Graphics and Effects

SoHL includes several graphical enhancements, such as reflections, better lighting, and dynamic weather effects like moving clouds, rain, snow, and fog. These additions create a more immersive and visually appealing gaming experience for players.

  • Advanced Physics Capabilities

The engine also boasts advanced physics capabilities, allowing players to interact with objects in more realistic ways. This includes the ability to pick up and drop objects, as well as dynamic object behavior when explosions occur.

  • Particle Systems and Special Effects

One of the standout features of SoHL is its implementation of the Aurora particle system, which enables the creation of various effects like rain, snow, fog, and clouds using multiple sprites as particles. Additionally, SoHL introduces new special effects in its fgd file, such as env_shockwave, env_quakefx, env_decal, and more.

  • Improved Triggers and Scripted Sequences

SoHL enhances the functionality of triggers and scripted sequences, providing modders with more options and flexibility when designing gameplay elements.

  • Compatibility and Customization

SoHL is compatible with GoldSrc GoldSrc and Xash3D Xash3D engines, with the Custom Build version offering even greater compatibility with Xash3D for expanded features. Modders can customize various aspects of their mods, including entity properties, TexLight settings, monster behavior, and more.


While SoHL is designed to be compatible with GoldSrc, the Custom Build versions (1.8 and 1.9) may exhibit compatibility issues, resulting in bugs and gameplay issues when running on the GoldSrc engine.

  • Limited Parent System Functionality

The Parent System in SoHL, while a useful addition, can sometimes be problematic, with objects getting stuck or behaving unpredictably.



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