Soundmixer/Team Fortress 2

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This is the list of soundmixers for Team Fortress 2 (soundmixers.txt).


Group Name File Name Classname Channel Min Soundlevel Max Soundlevel Priority Ducked Causes Ducking Duck Percent Ducker Threshold
MVM_All mvm/ 50 0 0 100 40
QuestAlert ui/quest 65 0 1 100 40
QuestPauling vo/pauling/ 65 0 1 100 40
bullethit impact_bullet 50 0 0 100 40
bulletmiss nearmiss 50 0 0 100 40
Explosions explo 120 50 0 1 100 40
Player_Suit fvox/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
Player_Weapons_Loud weapon Player 140 50 0 1 100 40
Player_Weapons weapon Player 50 0 1 100 40
Player player/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
Player physics/ Player 50 0 0 100 40
NPC_Voice NPC CHAN_VOICE 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Weapons_Loud NPC CHAN_WEAPON 140 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Weapons NPC CHAN_WEAPON 50 0 1 100 40
NPC_Body NPC CHAN_BODY 50 0 0 100 40
NPC_Looping NPC CHAN_STATIC 50 0 0 100 40
NPC NPC 50 0 0 100 40
STRIDER_WEAPON strider_weapon 140 50 0 1 100 40
Ambient_Alarms ambient/alarms 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Atmosphere ambient/atmos 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Wind ambient/wind 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Water ambient/water 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Fire ambient/fire 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Gas ambient/gas 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Levels ambient/levels 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Creatures ambient/creatures 20 1 0 60 40
Ambient_Machines ambient/machines 50 1 0 60 40
Trains plats/ 50 0 0 100 40
Doors doors/ 50 0 0 100 40
Buttons buttons/ 50 0 0 100 40
Items items/ 50 0 0 100 40
Beams beams/ 50 0 0 100 40
Vehicles vehicles/ 20 1 0 68 40
Vehicles_Looping vehicles/ CHAN_STATIC 20 1 0 68 40
MainMenuMusic ui/gamestartup 50 0 0 100 40
UI common/ 50 0 0 100 40
UI ui/ 50 0 0 100 40
Physics physics/ 50 0 0 100 40
Ambient ambien 50 0 0 100 40
Music music/ 25 1 1 75 40
Dialog vo/ 60 0 1 100 20
Dialog combined/ 60 0 1 100 20
Combat weapon 110 50 0 0 100 40
Combat explo 110 50 0 0 100 40
Weapons weapon 120 50 0 0 100 40
Quiet 0 70 50 0 0 100 40
Medium 71 90 50 0 0 100 40
Loud 91 100 50 0 0 100 40
VeryLoud 101 149 50 0 0 100 40
SuperLoud 150 50 0 0 100 40
FreezeCam /freeze_cam 65 0 1 100 40
WinSounds misc/your_team 65 0 0 100 40
FlagWarnings vo/intel 65 0 0 100 40
CaptureWarnings vo/announcer_last 65 0 0 100 40
PlayerVoice ?VoiceSfx 65 0 1 100 40
DemomanTaunts vo/taunts/demoman 65 0 0 100 40
EngineerTaunts vo/taunts/engineer 65 0 0 100 40
HeavyTaunts vo/taunts/heavy 65 0 0 100 40
MedicTaunts vo/taunts/medic 65 0 0 100 40
PyroTaunts vo/taunts/pyro 65 0 0 100 40
ScoutTaunts vo/taunts/scout 65 0 0 100 40
SniperTaunts vo/taunts/snipe 65 0 0 100 40
SoldierTaunts vo/taunts/soldier 65 0 0 100 40
SpyTaunts vo/taunts/spy 65 0 0 100 40
Tf_music misc/tf 65 0 0 100 40
BuffBanner weapons/buff_banner_horn 65 0 0 100 40
Doors doors/generic 65 0 0 100 40
PlayerAnimations player/taunt 65 0 0 100 40
All 50 0 0 100 40


Group Name Mix Value
MVM_All 1.0
QuestAlert .72
QuestPauling .72
Explosions 0.90
Player_Weapons_Loud 1.0
Player_Suit 0.56
Weapons 0.79
bullethit 0.67
Music 0.81
MainMenuMusic 0.3
All 0.72


Group Name Mix Value
MVM_All 1.0
Explosions 1.0
Physics 0.7
Ambient 0.7
Music 0.7
Vehicles 0.7
Vehicles_Looping 0.7
Ambient_Alarms 0.7
Trains 0.7
Doors 0.7
Buttons 0.7
Items 0.7
Beams 0.7
UI 0.7
bullethit 0.7
bulletmiss 0.7
Player_Suit 0.7
Player_Weapons_Loud 0.7
Player_Weapons 0.7
Player 0.7
NPC_Voice 0.7
NPC_Weapons 0.7
NPC_Weapons_Loud 0.7
NPC_Body 0.7
NPC_Looping 0.7
NPC 0.7
Dialog 0.7
Weapons 0.8
Alyx_Dialog 0.7
Citizen_Dialog 0.7
Barney_Dialog 0.7
Metrocop_Dialog 0.7
Soldier_Dialog 0.7
All 0.7


Group Name Mix Value
MVM_All 1.0
NPC_Voice 1.0
Dialog 1.0
Alyx_Dialog 1.0
Citizen_Dialog 1.0
Barney_Dialog 1.0
Metrocop_Dialog 1.0
Soldier_Dialog 1.0
All 0.1


Group Name Mix Value
MVM_All 1.0
NPC_Voice 0.72
Dialog 0.72
Alyx_Dialog 0.72
Gman_Dialog 0.72
Music 0.81
All 0.01


Group Name Mix Value
MVM_All 1.0
FreezeCam 0.72
WinSounds 0.72
FlagWarnings 0.72
CaptureWarnings 0.72
PlayerVoice 0.72
DemomanTaunts 0.72
EngineerTaunts 0.72
HeavyTaunts 0.72
MedicTaunts 0.72
PyroTaunts 0.72
ScoutTaunts 0.72
SniperTaunts 0.72
SoldierTaunts 0.72
SpyTaunts 0.72
Tf_music 0.72
BuffBanner 0.72
All 0.01


Group Name Mix Value
Doors 0.99
PlayerAnimations 0.99
All 0.01