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A response specifies how to act based on a rule. A response consists of a weighted set of options and can recursively reference.
For example, this is a response "AlyxShot" from scripts/talker/npc_alyx.txt
response AlyxShot { scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/gasp02.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/gasp03.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/hurt04.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/hurt05.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/hurt06.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/hurt08.vcd" scene "scenes/npc/Alyx/uggh01.vcd" }
When this response is chosen by a rule AlyxShot, one of these .vcd will be played.
Scene is not the only response type. There are also four other types.
- speak: play an entry in sounds.txt. See Soundscripts
- sentence: play a sentence from sentences.txt
- scene: play a .vcd file. See Choreography Implementation for more information.
- response: reference to another response group by name
- print: print the text in developer 2 (for placeholder responses)
Single Line
response <responsegroupname> [nodelay | defaultdelay | delay interval ] [speakonce] [noscene] [odds nnn] [respeakdelay interval] [soundelvel "SNDLVL_xxx"] responsetype parameters
Multiple Lines
response <responsegroupname> { [permitrepeats] ; optional parameter, by default we visit all responses in group before repeating any [sequential] ; optional parameter, by default we randomly choose responses, but with this we walk through the list starting at the first and going to the last [norepeat] ; Once we've run through all of the entries, disable the response group responsetype1 parameters1 [nodelay | defaultdelay | delay interval ] [speakonce] [odds nnn] [respeakdelay interval] [soundelvel "SNDLVL_xxx"] [displayfirst] [ displaylast ] weight nnn responsetype2 parameters2 [nodelay | defaultdelay | delay interval ] [speakonce] [odds nnn] [respeakdelay interval] [soundelvel "SNDLVL_xxx"] [displayfirst] [ displaylast ] weight nnn etc. }
- nodelay = an additional delay of 0 after speaking
- defaultdelay = an additional delay of 2.8 to 3.2 seconds after speaking
- delay interval = an additional delay based on a random sample from the interval after speaking
- speakonce = don't use this response more than one time (default off)
- noscene = For an NPC, play the sound immediately using EmitSound, don't play it through the scene system. Good for playing sounds on dying or dead NPCs.
- odds = if this response is selected, if odds < 100, then there is a chance that nothing will be said (default 100)
- respeakdelay = don't use this response again for at least this long (default 0)
- soundlevel = use this soundlevel for the speak/sentence (default SNDLVL_TALKING)
- weight = if there are multiple responses, this is a selection weighting so that certain responses are favored over others in the group (default 1)
- displayfirst/displaylast : this should be the first/last item selected (ignores weight)
- weapondelay = pause shooting for the specified duration so the response can be clearly heard. Only works on actors descending from the
class(es), such as citizens, Alyx, Barney, Grigori.
Tip:Alyx uses it in Half-Life 2: Episode One, such as in the