Particle System Pre Emission Operators

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Category:Particle System

Pre Emission

Pre emission operators allows for further control of properties within a particle system, whether its changing cp locations, controlling child particles, setting simulation timescale, etc. Additionally, every operator has as run only once boolean, which only fires the operator one time.

Pre Emission Operators

Set Single Control Point Position

Allows the manual positioning of a single control point.


Selectively Enable Children

Choose which children should be active within the particle system.


Play EndCap when Finished

Automatically plays the end cap states in this particle system when the emitter has stopped.


Remap average scalar value to CP

Remaps the average value of a scalar value in the system to the control points location.


Set control point orientation

Manually set the orientation of a CP.


Set control point rotation

Sets the rotation rate of a control point.


Set Control Point to Impact Point

Changes a control point location upon finding a traced path.


Set Control Point to Random Active Control Point

Chooses from a minimum and maximum selection of control point locations and copy's itself to the chosen CP.


Set control point to random position

Sets a CP to a random position within a box.


Set CP orientation to point at second CP

Orientates a CP so that it looks at another CP.


Set Simulation Timescale

Timescale of the entire particle simulation. (Can have unintended results)


Repeatedly Trigger Child Group

Decides which children particles to enable based on the child particles group ID.


Lightning Snapshot Generator

Creates a branch like positioning effect between 2 control points in a snapshot.
