Media Player

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Obsolete-notext.pngDeprecated:This application is no longer available from Steam.
Steam media player - click to enlarge
This is the fade/blur in, imagine it just going from normal window blur and then to black and play the movie - click to enlarge

General information

The STEAM media Player is an in-game media player of any movie file that WMP can.

The player can be activated by using RMB right mouse button+ Shift on any movie file and select the smp.exe (found in ...\Steam\SteamApps\media).


  • Can play most movie type files and streams.
  • A blur effect in the beginning of the movie and fade to black at the end of it.
  • Space or LMB left mouse button to pause
  • or to rewind a bit
  • to advance frame-by-frame
  • to fast forward a bit

No additional options yet