Mapbase/Scripting/Script Functions/Constants

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Squirrel This list contains engine-related Squirrel constants available for VScript in Mapbase Mapbase.

A constant is a variable whose value cannot be altered during program runtime, usually to avoid magic numbers by giving them self-documenting names.

System Constants

Instance Type Value
_charsize_ integer 1
_floatsize_ integer 4
_intsize_ integer 4
_version_ string "Squirrel 3.1 stable"
_versionnumber_ integer 310
RAND_MAX integer 32767
PI float 3.14159
Warning.pngWarning:Everything below this point is automatically generated. Avoid modifying it directly.

Game Constants

Instance Type Value Description
AE_TYPE_SERVER int 1 Animation event flag which indicates an event is supposed to be serverside only.
AE_TYPE_SCRIPTED int 2 Animation event flag with an unknown purpose.
AE_TYPE_SHARED int 4 Animation event flag which indicates an event is supposed to be shared between the server and client.
AE_TYPE_WEAPON int 8 Animation event flag which indicates an event is part of a weapon.
AE_TYPE_CLIENT int 16 Animation event flag which indicates an event is supposed to be clientside only.
AE_TYPE_FACEPOSER int 32 Animation event flag with an unknown purpose. Presumably related to Faceposer.
AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM int 1024 Animation event flag which indicates an event is using the new system. This is often used by class-specific events from NPCs.
AISS_AWAKE int 0 NPC is awake. (NPC sleep state used in Get/SetSleepState())
AISS_WAITING_FOR_THREAT int 1 NPC is asleep and will awaken upon seeing an enemy. (NPC sleep state used in Get/SetSleepState())
AISS_WAITING_FOR_PVS int 2 NPC is asleep and will awaken upon entering a player's PVS. (NPC sleep state used in Get/SetSleepState())
AISS_WAITING_FOR_INPUT int 3 NPC is asleep and will only awaken upon receiving the Wake input. (NPC sleep state used in Get/SetSleepState())
AI_SLEEP_FLAGS_NONE int 0 No sleep flags. (NPC sleep flag used in Add/Remove/HasSleepFlags())
AI_SLEEP_FLAG_AUTO_PVS int 1 Indicates a NPC will sleep upon exiting PVS. (NPC sleep flag used in Add/Remove/HasSleepFlags())
AI_SLEEP_FLAG_AUTO_PVS_AFTER_PVS int 2 Indicates a NPC will sleep upon exiting PVS after entering PVS for the first time(?) (NPC sleep flag used in Add/Remove/HasSleepFlags())
ALL_CONTEXTS int -1048576 All sound contexts useable in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
ALL_SCENTS int 224 All "scent" sound types useable in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
ALL_VISIBLE_CONTENTS int 255 Contains all visible spatial content flags.
ALL_SOUNDS int 1048351 All sound types useable in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
AUTOAIM_SCALE_DIRECT_ONLY float 0.000000 Indicates auto aim should not be used except for direct hits.
AUTOAIM_2DEGREES float 0.034899 2-degree autoaim cone.
AUTOAIM_5DEGREES float 0.087156 5-degree autoaim cone.
AUTOAIM_8DEGREES float 0.139173 8-degree autoaim cone.
AUTOAIM_10DEGREES float 0.173648 10-degree autoaim cone.
AUTOAIM_20DEGREES float 0.349066 20-degree autoaim cone.
AUTOAIM_SCALE_DEFAULT float 1.000000 Indicates default auto aim scale.
CHAN_REPLACE int -1 The sound channel used when playing sounds through console commands.
CHAN_AUTO int 0 The default generic sound channel.
CHAN_WEAPON int 1 The sound channel for player and NPC weapons.
CHAN_VOICE int 2 The sound channel used for dialogue, voice lines, etc.
CHAN_ITEM int 3 The sound channel used for generic physics impact sounds, health/suit chargers, +use sounds.
CHAN_BODY int 4 The sound channel used for clothing, ragdoll impacts, footsteps, knocking/pounding/punching etc.
CHAN_STREAM int 5 The sound channel for sounds that can be delayed by an async load, i.e. aren't responses to particular events.
CHAN_STATIC int 6 The sound channel for constant/background sound that doesn't require any reaction.
CHAN_VOICE2 int 7 An additional sound channel for voices. Used in TF2 for the announcer.
CHAN_VOICE_BASE int 8 The sound channel used for network voice data (online voice communications).
CLASS_NONE int 0 No class.
CLASS_PLAYER int 1 Used by players.
CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY int 2 Used by citizens, hacked manhacks, and other misc. allies.
CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY_VITAL int 3 Used by Alyx, Barney, and other allies vital to HL2.
CLASS_ANTLION int 4 Used by antlions, antlion guards, etc.
CLASS_BARNACLE int 5 Used by barnacles.
CLASS_BULLSEYE int 6 Used by npc_bullseye.
CLASS_CITIZEN_PASSIVE int 7 Used by citizens when the "gordon_precriminal" or "citizens_passive" states are enabled.
CLASS_COMBINE int 9 Used by Combine soldiers, Combine turrets, and other misc. Combine NPCs.
CLASS_COMBINE_GUNSHIP int 10 Used by Combine gunships, helicopters, etc.
CLASS_CONSCRIPT int 11 UNUSED IN HL2. Would've been used by conscripts.
CLASS_HEADCRAB int 12 Used by headcrabs.
CLASS_MANHACK int 13 Used by Combine manhacks.
CLASS_METROPOLICE int 14 Used by Combine metrocops.
CLASS_MILITARY int 15 In HL2, this is only used by npc_combinecamera and func_guntarget. This appears to be recognized as a Combine class.
CLASS_SCANNER int 16 Used by Combine city scanners and claw scanners.
CLASS_STALKER int 17 Used by Combine stalkers.
CLASS_VORTIGAUNT int 18 Used by vortigaunts.
CLASS_ZOMBIE int 19 Used by zombies.
CLASS_PROTOSNIPER int 20 Used by Combine snipers.
CLASS_MISSILE int 21 Used by RPG and APC missiles.
CLASS_FLARE int 22 Used by env_flares.
CLASS_EARTH_FAUNA int 23 Used by birds and other terrestrial animals.
CLASS_HACKED_ROLLERMINE int 24 Used by rollermines which were hacked by Alyx.
CLASS_COMBINE_HUNTER int 25 Used by Combine hunters.
COLLISION_GROUP_NONE int 0 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS int 1 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS_TRIGGER int 2 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS int 3 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE int 4 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER int 5 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS int 6 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_VEHICLE int 7 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT int 8 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_NPC int 9 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_IN_VEHICLE int 10 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON int 11 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_VEHICLE_CLIP int 12 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_PROJECTILE int 13 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_DOOR_BLOCKER int 14 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_PASSABLE_DOOR int 15 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_DISSOLVING int 16 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_PUSHAWAY int 17 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_ACTOR int 18 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
COLLISION_GROUP_NPC_SCRIPTED int 19 Collision group used in GetCollisionGroup(), etc.
CONTENTS_EMPTY int 0 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_SOLID int 1 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_WINDOW int 2 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_AUX int 4 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_GRATE int 8 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_SLIME int 16 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_WATER int 32 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS int 64 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_OPAQUE int 128 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_TESTFOGVOLUME int 256 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_TEAM1 int 2048 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_TEAM2 int 4096 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_IGNORE_NODRAW_OPAQUE int 8192 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_MOVEABLE int 16384 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL int 32768 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP int 65536 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP int 131072 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_0 int 262144 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_90 int 524288 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_180 int 1048576 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_270 int 2097152 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_UP int 4194304 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_CURRENT_DOWN int 8388608 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_ORIGIN int 16777216 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_MONSTER int 33554432 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_DEBRIS int 67108864 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_DETAIL int 134217728 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT int 268435456 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_LADDER int 536870912 Spatial content flags.
CONTENTS_HITBOX int 1073741824 Spatial content flags.
DAMAGE_NO int 0 Don't take damage (Use with GetTakeDamage/SetTakeDamage)
DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY int 1 Call damage functions, but don't modify health (Use with GetTakeDamage/SetTakeDamage)
DAMAGE_YES int 2 Allow damage to be taken (Use with GetTakeDamage/SetTakeDamage)
DAMAGE_AIM int 3 (Use with GetTakeDamage/SetTakeDamage)
DEG2RAD float 0.017453
DMG_GENERIC int 0 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_CRUSH int 1 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_BULLET int 2 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_SLASH int 4 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_BURN int 8 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_VEHICLE int 16 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_FALL int 32 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_BLAST int 64 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_CLUB int 128 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_SHOCK int 256 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_SONIC int 512 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_ENERGYBEAM int 1024 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE int 2048 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_NEVERGIB int 4096 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_ALWAYSGIB int 8192 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_DROWN int 16384 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_PARALYZE int 32768 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_NERVEGAS int 65536 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_POISON int 131072 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_RADIATION int 262144 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_DROWNRECOVER int 524288 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_ACID int 1048576 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_SLOWBURN int 2097152 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL int 4194304 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_PHYSGUN int 8388608 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_PLASMA int 16777216 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_AIRBOAT int 33554432 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_DISSOLVE int 67108864 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_BLAST_SURFACE int 134217728 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_DIRECT int 268435456 Damage type used in damage information.
DMG_BUCKSHOT int 536870912 Damage type used in damage information.
D_ER int 0 'Error' relationship definition. Used by NPCs and players for relationship disposition.
D_HT int 1 Denotes a 'Hate' relationship. Used by NPCs and players for relationship disposition.
D_FR int 2 Denotes a 'Fear' relationship. Used by NPCs and players for relationship disposition.
D_LI int 3 Denotes a 'Like' relationship. Used by NPCs and players for relationship disposition.
D_NU int 4 Denotes a 'Neutral' relationship. Used by NPCs and players for relationship disposition.
EFL_NO_DAMAGE_FORCES int -2147483648 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_KILLME int 1 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DORMANT int 2 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NOCLIP_ACTIVE int 4 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_SETTING_UP_BONES int 8 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_KEEP_ON_RECREATE_ENTITIES int 16 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_HAS_PLAYER_CHILD int 16 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_SHADOWUPDATE int 32 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NOTIFY int 64 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_FORCE_CHECK_TRANSMIT int 128 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_BOT_FROZEN int 256 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_SERVER_ONLY int 512 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_AUTO_EDICT_ATTACH int 1024 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_ABSTRANSFORM int 2048 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_ABSVELOCITY int 4096 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_ABSANGVELOCITY int 8192 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_SURROUNDING_COLLISION_BOUNDS int 16384 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DIRTY_SPATIAL_PARTITION int 32768 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_PLUGIN_BASED_BOT int 65536 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_IN_SKYBOX int 131072 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_USE_PARTITION_WHEN_NOT_SOLID int 262144 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_TOUCHING_FLUID int 524288 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE int 1048576 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_ROTORWASH_PUSH int 2097152 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_THINK_FUNCTION int 4194304 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_GAME_PHYSICS_SIMULATION int 8388608 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH int 16777216 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DONTBLOCKLOS int 33554432 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_DONTWALKON int 67108864 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_DISSOLVE int 134217728 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_MEGAPHYSCANNON_RAGDOLL int 268435456 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_WATER_VELOCITY_CHANGE int 536870912 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EFL_NO_PHYSCANNON_INTERACTION int 1073741824 Entity flag used in GetEFlags(), etc.
EF_BONEMERGE int 1 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_BRIGHTLIGHT int 2 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_DIMLIGHT int 4 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_NOINTERP int 8 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_NOSHADOW int 16 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_NODRAW int 32 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_NORECEIVESHADOW int 64 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_BONEMERGE_FASTCULL int 128 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_ITEM_BLINK int 256 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
EF_PARENT_ANIMATES int 512 Effect flag used in GetEffects(), etc.
FCVAR_NONE int 0 Empty convar flag.
FCVAR_UNREGISTERED int 1 If this convar flag is set, it isn't added to linked list, etc.
FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY int 2 If this convar flag is set, it's hidden in "retail" DLLs.
FCVAR_GAMEDLL int 4 This convar flag is defined in server DLL convars.
FCVAR_CLIENTDLL int 8 This convar flag is defined in client DLL convars.
FCVAR_HIDDEN int 16 If this convar flag is set, it doesn't appear in the console or any searching tools, but it can still be set.
FCVAR_PROTECTED int 32 This convar flag prevents convars with secure data (e.g. passwords) from sending full data to clients, only sending 1 if non-zero and 0 otherwise.
FCVAR_SPONLY int 64 If this convar flag is set, it can't be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server.
FCVAR_ARCHIVE int 128 If this convar flag is set, its value will be saved when the game is exited.
FCVAR_NOTIFY int 256 If this convar flag is set, it will notify players when it is changed.
FCVAR_USERINFO int 512 If this convar flag is set, it will be marked as info which plays a part in how the server identifies a client.
FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY int 1024 If this convar flag is set, it cannot contain unprintable characters. Used for player name cvars, etc.
FCVAR_UNLOGGED int 2048 If this convar flag is set, it will not log its changes if a log is being created.
FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING int 4096 If this convar flag is set, it will never be printed as a string.
FCVAR_REPLICATED int 8192 If this convar flag is set, it will enforce a serverside value on any clientside counterparts. (also known as FCVAR_SERVER)
FCVAR_CHEAT int 16384 Only useable in singleplayer / debug / multiplayer & sv_cheats
FCVAR_DEMO int 65536 If this convar flag is set, it will be recorded when starting a demo file.
FCVAR_DONTRECORD int 131072 If this convar flag is set, it will NOT be recorded when starting a demo file.
FCVAR_RELOAD_MATERIALS int 1048576 If this convar flag is set, it will force a material reload when it changes.
FCVAR_RELOAD_TEXTURES int 2097152 If this convar flag is set, it will force a texture reload when it changes.
FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED int 4194304 If this convar flag is set, it cannot be changed by a client connected to the server.
FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD int 8388608 This convar flag indicates it's read from the material system thread.
FCVAR_ARCHIVE_XBOX int 16777216 If this convar flag is set, it will be archived on the Xbox config.
FCVAR_ACCESSIBLE_FROM_THREADS int 33554432 If this convar flag is set, it will be accessible from the material system thread.
FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE int 268435456 If this convar flag is set, the server will be allowed to execute it as a client command.
FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY int 536870912 If this convar flag is set, the server will not be allowed to query its value.
FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE int 1073741824 If this convar flag is set, any client will be allowed to execute this command.
FL_ONGROUND int 1 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_DUCKING int 2 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_WATERJUMP int 4 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_ONTRAIN int 8 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_INRAIN int 16 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_FROZEN int 32 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_ATCONTROLS int 64 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_CLIENT int 128 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_FAKECLIENT int 256 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_INWATER int 512 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_FLY int 1024 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_SWIM int 2048 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_CONVEYOR int 4096 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_NPC int 8192 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_GODMODE int 16384 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_NOTARGET int 32768 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_AIMTARGET int 65536 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_PARTIALGROUND int 131072 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_STATICPROP int 262144 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_GRAPHED int 524288 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_GRENADE int 1048576 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_STEPMOVEMENT int 2097152 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_DONTTOUCH int 4194304 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_BASEVELOCITY int 8388608 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_WORLDBRUSH int 16777216 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_OBJECT int 33554432 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_KILLME int 67108864 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_ONFIRE int 134217728 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_DISSOLVING int 268435456 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_TRANSRAGDOLL int 536870912 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FL_UNBLOCKABLE_BY_PLAYER int 1073741824 Flag used in GetFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_CUSTOMRAYTEST int 1 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_CUSTOMBOXTEST int 2 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_NOT_SOLID int 4 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_TRIGGER int 8 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_NOT_STANDABLE int 16 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_VOLUME_CONTENTS int 32 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_FORCE_WORLD_ALIGNED int 64 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_USE_TRIGGER_BOUNDS int 128 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_ROOT_PARENT_ALIGNED int 256 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_TRIGGER_TOUCH_DEBRIS int 512 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
FSOLID_COLLIDE_WITH_OWNER int 1024 Solid flag used in GetSolidFlags(), etc.
GENDER_NONE int 0 A standard value used to represent no specific gender. Usually used for sounds.
GENDER_MALE int 1 A standard value used to represent male gender. Usually used for sounds.
GENDER_FEMALE int 2 A standard value used to represent female gender. Usually used for sounds.
GLOBAL_OFF int 0 Global state used by the Globals singleton.
GLOBAL_ON int 1 Global state used by the Globals singleton.
GLOBAL_DEAD int 2 Global state used by the Globals singleton.
LAST_VISIBLE_CONTENTS int 128 Contains last visible spatial content flags.
MAPBASE_VERSION string "7.3" The current Mapbase version according to when the VScript library was last compiled.
MAPBASE_VER_INT int 7300 The current Mapbase version integer according to when the VScript library was last compiled.
MAX_COORD_FLOAT float 16384.000000 Maximum float coordinate.
MAX_TRACE_LENGTH float 56755.839844 Maximum traceable distance (assumes cubic world and trace from one corner to opposite).
MOVETYPE_NONE int 0 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_ISOMETRIC int 1 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_WALK int 2 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_STEP int 3 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_FLY int 4 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY int 5 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS int 6 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_PUSH int 7 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_NOCLIP int 8 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_LADDER int 9 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_OBSERVER int 10 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
MOVETYPE_CUSTOM int 11 Move type used in GetMoveType(), etc.
NPC_STATE_INVALID int -1 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_NONE int 0 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_IDLE int 1 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_ALERT int 2 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_COMBAT int 3 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_SCRIPT int 4 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_PLAYDEAD int 5 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NPC_STATE_PRONE int 6 When in clutches of barnacle (NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.)
NPC_STATE_DEAD int 7 NPC state type used in GetNPCState(), etc.
NUM_AI_CLASSES int 26 Number of AI classes.
PITCH_LOW int 95 The standard low pitch value.
PITCH_NORM int 100 The standard pitch value.
PITCH_HIGH int 120 The standard high pitch value.
RAD2DEG float 57.295780
ROPE_RESIZE int 1 Try to keep the rope dangling the same amount even as the rope length changes. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_BARBED int 2 Hack option to draw like a barbed wire. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_COLLIDE int 4 Collide with the world. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_GRAVITY 0.000000, 0.000000, -1500.000000 Vecto Default rope gravity vector.
ROPE_SIMULATE int 8 Is the rope valid? (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_NUMFLAGS int 9 The number of rope flags recognized by the game.
ROPE_BREAKABLE int 16 Can the endpoints detach? (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_USE_WIND int 32 Wind simulation on this rope. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_INITIAL_HANG int 64 By default, ropes will simulate for a bit internally when they are created so they sag, but dynamically created ropes for things like harpoons don't want this. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_PLAYER_WPN_ATTACH int 128 If this flag is set, then the second attachment must be a player. The rope will attach to "buff_attach" on the player's active weapon. This is a flag because it requires special code on the client to find the weapon. (for use in rope flags)
ROPE_NO_GRAVITY int 256 Disable gravity on this rope. (for use in rope flags)
SCRIPT_PLAYING int 0 Moving to the scripted sequence position while playing a custom movement animation.
SCRIPT_WAIT int 1 Waiting on everyone in the script to be ready. Plays the pre idle animation if there is one.
SCRIPT_POST_IDLE int 2 Playing the post idle animation after playing the action animation.
SCRIPT_CLEANUP int 3 Cancelling the script / cleaning up.
SCRIPT_WALK_TO_MARK int 4 Walking to the scripted sequence position.
SCRIPT_RUN_TO_MARK int 5 Running to the scripted sequence position.
SNDLVL_NONE int 0 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_20dB int 20 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_25dB int 25 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_30dB int 30 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_35dB int 35 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_40dB int 40 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_45dB int 45 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_50dB int 50 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_55dB int 55 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_60dB int 60 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_IDLE int 60 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_65dB int 65 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_STATIC int 66 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_70dB int 70 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_NORM int 75 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_75dB int 75 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_TALKING int 80 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_80dB int 80 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_85dB int 85 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_90dB int 90 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_95dB int 95 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_100dB int 100 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_105dB int 105 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_110dB int 110 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_120dB int 120 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_130dB int 130 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_GUNFIRE int 140 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_140dB int 140 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_150dB int 150 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SNDLVL_180dB int 180 A standard value used for a sound's sound level.
SND_CHANGE_VOL int 1 Indicates a sound is a volume change to an already-playing sound.
SND_CHANGE_PITCH int 2 Indicates a sound is a pitch change to an already-playing sound.
SND_STOP int 4 Indicates a sound is stopping an already-playing sound.
SND_SPAWNING int 8 Indicates a sound is spawning, used in some cases for ambients. Not networked.
SND_DELAY int 16 Indicates a sound has an initial delay.
SND_STOP_LOOPING int 32 Stops all looping sounds on an entity.
SND_SPEAKER int 64 Indicates a sound is being played again by a microphone through a speaker.
SND_SHOULDPAUSE int 128 Forces a sound to pause if the game is paused.
SND_IGNORE_PHONEMES int 256 Prevents the entity emitting this sound from using its phonemes (no lip-syncing).
SND_IGNORE_NAME int 512 Used to change all sounds emitted by an entity, regardless of name.
SND_DO_NOT_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_ON_CHANNEL int 1024 Prevents a sound from interrupting other sounds on a channel (if the channel supports interruption).
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_UNSPECIFIED int 0 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_REPEATING int 1 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_REPEATED_DANGER int 2 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_REPEATED_PHYSICS_DANGER int 3 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_WEAPON int 4 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_INJURY int 5 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_BULLET_IMPACT int 6 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_NPC_FOOTSTEP int 7 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_SPOOKY_NOISE int 8 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_ZOMBINE_GRENADE int 9 Sound channel used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUNDENT_VOLUME_PISTOL int 500 Sound volume preset for use in InsertAISound, etc.
SOUNDENT_VOLUME_MACHINEGUN int 1500 Sound volume preset for use in InsertAISound, etc.
SOUNDENT_VOLUME_SHOTGUN int 1500 Sound volume preset for use in InsertAISound, etc.
SOUND_NONE int 0 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_COMBAT int 1 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_WORLD int 2 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_PLAYER int 4 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_DANGER int 8 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_BULLET_IMPACT int 16 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CARCASS int 32 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_MEAT int 64 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_GARBAGE int 128 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_THUMPER int 256 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_BUGBAIT int 512 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_PHYSICS_DANGER int 1024 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_DANGER_SNIPERONLY int 2048 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_MOVE_AWAY int 4096 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_PLAYER_VEHICLE int 8192 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_READINESS_LOW int 16384 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_READINESS_MEDIUM int 32768 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_READINESS_HIGH int 65536 Sound type used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_FROM_SNIPER int 1048576 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_GUNFIRE int 2097152 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_MORTAR int 4194304 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_COMBINE_ONLY int 8388608 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_REACT_TO_SOURCE int 16777216 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_EXPLOSION int 33554432 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_EXCLUDE_COMBINE int 67108864 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_DANGER_APPROACH int 134217728 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_ALLIES_ONLY int 268435456 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_PLAYER_VEHICLE int 536870912 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
SOUND_CONTEXT_OWNER_ALLIES int 1073741824 Sound context used in QueryHearSound hooks, etc.
VECTOR_CONE_10DEGREES 0.087160, 0.087160, 0.087160 Vecto 10-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_15DEGREES 0.130530, 0.130530, 0.130530 Vecto 15-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_1DEGREES 0.008730, 0.008730, 0.008730 Vecto 1-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_20DEGREES 0.173650, 0.173650, 0.173650 Vecto 20-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_2DEGREES 0.017450, 0.017450, 0.017450 Vecto 2-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_3DEGREES 0.026180, 0.026180, 0.026180 Vecto 3-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_4DEGREES 0.034900, 0.034900, 0.034900 Vecto 4-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_5DEGREES 0.043620, 0.043620, 0.043620 Vecto 5-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_6DEGREES 0.052340, 0.052340, 0.052340 Vecto 6-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_7DEGREES 0.061050, 0.061050, 0.061050 Vecto 7-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_8DEGREES 0.069760, 0.069760, 0.069760 Vecto 8-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_9DEGREES 0.078460, 0.078460, 0.078460 Vecto 9-degree weapon vector cone.
VECTOR_CONE_PRECALCULATED 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 Vecto This is just a zero vector, but it adds some context indicating that the person writing the code is not allowing FireBullets() to modify the direction of the shot because the shot direction being passed into the function has already been modified by another piece of code and should be fired as specified.
VOL_NORM float 1.000000 The standard volume value.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_INVALID int -1 Invalid weapon proficiency.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_POOR int 0 Poor weapon proficiency. Causes low accuracy.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_AVERAGE int 1 Average weapon proficiency. Causes average accuracy.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_GOOD int 2 Good weapon proficiency. Causes good accuracy.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_VERY_GOOD int 3 Very good weapon proficiency. Causes very good accuracy.
WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_PERFECT int 4 Perfect weapon proficiency. Causes perfect accuracy.
WEPCLASS_INVALID int 0 Invalid weapon class.
WEPCLASS_HANDGUN int 1 Weapon class for pistols, revolvers, etc.
WEPCLASS_RIFLE int 2 Weapon class for (assault) rifles, SMGs, etc.
WEPCLASS_SHOTGUN int 3 Weapon class for shotguns.
WEPCLASS_HEAVY int 4 Weapon class for RPGs, etc.
WEPCLASS_MELEE int 5 Weapon class for melee weapons.
bits_CAP_SIMPLE_RADIUS_DAMAGE int -2147483648 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_GROUND int 1 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_JUMP int 2 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_FLY int 4 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_CLIMB int 8 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_SWIM int 16 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_CRAWL int 32 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MOVE_SHOOT int 64 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_SKIP_NAV_GROUND_CHECK int 128 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_USE int 256 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_AUTO_DOORS int 1024 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_OPEN_DOORS int 2048 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_DOORS_GROUP int 3072 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_TURN_HEAD int 4096 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_WEAPON_RANGE_ATTACK1 int 8192 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_WEAPON_RANGE_ATTACK2 int 16384 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_RANGE_ATTACK_GROUP int 24576 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_WEAPON_MELEE_ATTACK1 int 32768 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_WEAPON_MELEE_ATTACK2 int 65536 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK_GROUP int 98304 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK1 int 131072 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_INNATE_RANGE_ATTACK2 int 262144 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_INNATE_MELEE_ATTACK1 int 524288 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_INNATE_MELEE_ATTACK2 int 1048576 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_USE_WEAPONS int 2097152 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_ANIMATEDFACE int 8388608 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_USE_SHOT_REGULATOR int 16777216 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_FRIENDLY_DMG_IMMUNE int 33554432 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_SQUAD int 67108864 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_DUCK int 134217728 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_NO_HIT_PLAYER int 268435456 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_AIM_GUN int 536870912 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
bits_CAP_NO_HIT_SQUADMATES int 1073741824 NPC/player/weapon capability used in GetCapabilities(), etc.
g_interactionHitByPlayerThrownPhysObj int 10 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionPlayerPuntedHeavyObject int 11 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionTurretStillStanding int 12 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionCombineBash int 13 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionMetrocopStartedStitch int 14 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionMetrocopIdleChatter int 15 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionMetrocopClearSentenceQueues int 16 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionZombieMeleeWarning int 17 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)
g_interactionPlayerLaunchedRPG int 18 An interaction which could be used with HandleInteraction or DispatchInteraction. NOTE: These are usually only initialized by certain types of NPCs when an instance of one spawns in the level for the first time!!! (the fact you're seeing this one means there was an NPC in the level which initialized it)



Weapon sounds.

Instance Type Value Description
WeaponSound.EMPTY int 0
WeaponSound.SINGLE int 1
WeaponSound.SINGLE_NPC int 2
WeaponSound.WPN_DOUBLE int 3
WeaponSound.DOUBLE_NPC int 4
WeaponSound.BURST int 5
WeaponSound.RELOAD int 6
WeaponSound.RELOAD_NPC int 7
WeaponSound.MELEE_MISS int 8
WeaponSound.MELEE_HIT int 9
WeaponSound.MELEE_HIT_WORLD int 10
WeaponSound.SPECIAL1 int 11
WeaponSound.SPECIAL2 int 12
WeaponSound.SPECIAL3 int 13
WeaponSound.TAUNT int 14
WeaponSound.DEPLOY int 15
WeaponSound.NUM_SHOOT_SOUND_TYPES int 16


Button mask bindings

Instance Type Value Description
IN.ATTACK int 1 Button for +attack
IN.JUMP int 2 Button for +jump
IN.DUCK int 4 Button for +duck
IN.FORWARD int 8 Button for +forward
IN.BACK int 16 Button for +back
IN.USE int 32 Button for +use
IN.CANCEL int 64 Special button flag for attack cancel
IN.LEFT int 128 Button for +left
IN.RIGHT int 256 Button for +right
IN.MOVELEFT int 512 Button for +moveleft
IN.MOVERIGHT int 1024 Button for +moveright
IN.ATTACK2 int 2048 Button for +attack2
IN.RUN int 4096 Unused button (see IN.SPEED for sprint)
IN.RELOAD int 8192 Button for +reload
IN.ALT1 int 16384 Button for +alt1
IN.ALT2 int 32768 Button for +alt2
IN.SCORE int 65536 Button for +score
IN.SPEED int 131072 Button for +speed
IN.WALK int 262144 Button for +walk
IN.ZOOM int 524288 Button for +zoom
IN.WEAPON1 int 1048576 Special button used by weapons themselves
IN.WEAPON2 int 2097152 Special button used by weapons themselves
IN.BULLRUSH int 4194304 Unused button
IN.GRENADE1 int 8388608 Button for +grenade1
IN.GRENADE2 int 16777216 Button for +grenade2
IN.ATTACK3 int 33554432 Button for +attack3


Hit groups from traces

Instance Type Value Description
Hitgroup.Generic int 0
Hitgroup.Head int 1
Hitgroup.Chest int 2
Hitgroup.Stomach int 3
Hitgroup.LeftArm int 4
Hitgroup.RightArm int 5
Hitgroup.LeftLeg int 6
Hitgroup.RightLeg int 7
Hitgroup.Gear int 10


Render modes used by Get/SetRenderMode

Instance Type Value Description
RenderMode.Normal int 0
RenderMode.Color int 1
RenderMode.Texture int 2
RenderMode.Glow int 3
RenderMode.Solid int 4
RenderMode.Additive int 5
RenderMode.Environmental int 6
RenderMode.AdditiveFractionalFrame int 7
RenderMode.AlphaAdd int 8
RenderMode.WorldSpaceGlow int 9
RenderMode.None int 10


Map load enum for GetLoadType()

Instance Type Value Description
MapLoad.NewGame int 0 Map was loaded from a new game
MapLoad.LoadGame int 1 Map was loaded from a save file
MapLoad.Transition int 2 Map was loaded from a level transition
MapLoad.Background int 3 Map was loaded as a background map