Half-Life: Alyx Workshop Tools Panorama Events

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This table was dumped using dump_panorama_events command in console of Half-Life: Alyx Half-Life: Alyx

Event Panel Event Description
AddStyle(string class) Yes Add a CSS class to a panel.
AddStyleAfterDelay(string class, float pre-delay) Yes Add a CSS class to a panel after a specified delay.
AddStyleToEachChild(string class) Yes Add a CSS class to all children of this panel.
AddTimedStyle(string class, float duration, float pre-delay) Yes Add a class for a specified duration, with optional pre-delay; clears existing timers when called with same class.
AsyncEvent(float delay, event eventToFire) No Fire another event after a delay (in seconds).
DropInputFocus() Yes Drop focus entirely from the window containing this panel.
IfHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if this panel has a given class.
IfHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if currently hovering over a panel with the given ID.
IfNotHasClassEvent(string class, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if this panel does not have a given class.
IfNotHoverOtherEvent(string otherPanelID, event eventToFire) Yes Fire another event if not currently hovering over a panel with the given ID.
MovePanelDown(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move down from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.
MovePanelLeft(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move left from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.
MovePanelRight(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move right from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.
MovePanelUp(int32 repeatCount) Yes Move up from the panel. By default, this will change the focus position, but other panel types may implement this differently.
PageDown() No Scroll the panel down by one page.
PageLeft() No Scroll the panel left by one page.
PagePanelDown() Yes Scroll the panel down by one page.
PagePanelLeft() Yes Scroll the panel left by one page.
PagePanelRight() Yes Scroll the panel left by one page.
PagePanelUp() Yes Scroll the panel up by one page.
PageRight() No Scroll the panel right by one page.
PageUp() No Scroll the panel up by one page.
RemoveStyle(string class) Yes Remove a CSS class from a panel.
RemoveStyleAfterDelay(string class, float pre-delay) Yes Remove a CSS class from a panel after a specified delay.
RemoveStyleFromEachChild(string class) Yes Remove a CSS class from all children of this panel.
ScrollDown() No Scroll the panel down by one line.
ScrollLeft() No Scroll the panel left by one line.
ScrollPanelDown() Yes Scroll the panel down by one line.
ScrollPanelLeft() Yes Scroll the panel left by one line.
ScrollPanelRight() Yes Scroll the panel right by one line.
ScrollPanelUp() Yes Scroll the panel up by one line.
ScrollRight() No Scroll the panel right by one line.
ScrollToBottom() Yes Scroll this panel to the bottom.
ScrollToTop() Yes Scroll this panel to the top.
ScrollUp() No Scroll the panel up by one line.
SetChildPanelsSelected(bool selected) Yes Set whether any child panels are :selected.
SetInputFocus() Yes Set focus to this panel.
SetPanelEnabled(bool enabled) Yes Sets whether the given panel is enabled
SetPanelSelected(bool selected) Yes Set whether this panel is :selected.
SwitchStyle(string slot, string class) Yes Switch which class the panel has for a given attribute slot. Allows easily changing between multiple states.
TogglePanelSelected() Yes Toggle whether this panel is :selected.
ToggleStyle(string class) Yes Toggle whether a panel has the given CSS class.
TriggerStyle(string class) Yes Remove then immediately add back a CSS class from a panel. Useful to re-trigger events like animations or sound effects.