Chapter creation

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Creating the configuration

To create chapters that will show up in the New Game menu, create a chapter*.cfg file inside source2mods\yourmodfolder\cfg\, where * is the integer number of your chapter:

  • chapter*.cfg

The file content should be:

  • map mapname
Note.pngNote:Don't add the .vpk extension

Creating the chapter image

Insert your chapter image, in png format, inside source2mods\yourmodfolder\materials\vgui\chapters, with the file name equal to your chapter cfg file name, except for the extension:

  • chapter*.png

Chapter images.png

Creating the background image

Insert your chapter background image, in png format, inside source2mods\yourmodfolder\materials\console, with the file name equal to your chapter cfg file name, except for the _widescreen at the end and the extension:

  • chapter*_widescreen.png

Chapter backgrounds.png

Finishing up

Run your mod and your chapters will now appear on the New Game menu.

Chapters example.png