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A from Deadlock Deadlock.

Note.pngNote:Last retrieved 2024-11-10
"GameInfo" { game "citadel" title "Citadel" type multiplayer_only nomodels 1 nohimodel 1 nocrosshair 0 hidden_maps { "test_speakers" 1 "test_hardware" 1 } nodegraph 0 perfwizard 0 tonemapping 1 GameData "citadel.fgd" Localize { DuplicateTokensAssert 1 } FileSystem { // // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here: // // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<language> at the end. // For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it. // 3. If no "Mod" key, for the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD". // 4. If no "Write" key, for the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH". // // // Search paths are relative to the exe directory\..\ // SearchPaths { Game citadel Game core } } MaterialSystem2 { RenderModes { game Default game Forward game Depth game AbsoluteZ game FrontDepth game GBuffer game MotionVectors dev ToolsVis // Visualization modes for all shaders (lighting only, normal maps only, etc.) dev ToolsWireframe // This should use the ToolsVis mode above instead of being its own mode\ tools ToolsUtil // Meant to be used to render tools sceneobjects that are mod-independent, like the origin grid } } MaterialEditor { "DefaultShader" "environment_texture_set" } NetworkSystem { BetaUniverse { FakeLag 40 FakeLoss .1 //FakeReorderPct 0.05 //FakeReorderDelay 10 //FakeJitter "low" // Turning off fake jitter for now while I work on making the CQ totally solid FakeReorderPct 0 FakeReorderDelay 0 FakeJitter "off" } } RenderSystem { IndexBufferPoolSizeMB 32 UseReverseDepth 1 Use32BitDepthBuffer 1 Use32BitDepthBufferWithoutStencil 1 SwapChainSampleableDepth 1 VulkanMutableSwapchain 1 //"LowLatency" "1" "VulkanOnly" "1" [ $LINUX || $OSX ] // No OpenGL or D3D9/11 fallback on Linux or OSX, only Vulkan is supported. "VulkanRequireSubgroupWaveOpSupport" "1" [ !$OSX ] "VulkanRequireDescriptorIndexing" "1" [ !$OSX ] "VulkanSteamShaderCache" "1" "VulkanSteamAppShaderCache" "1" "VulkanSteamDownloadedShaderCache" "1" "VulkanAdditionalShaderCache" "vulkan_shader_cache.foz" "VulkanStagingPMBSizeLimitMB" "384" "GraphicsPipelineLibrary" "1" "VulkanOnlyTestProbability" "0" "VulkanDefrag" "1" "MinStreamingPoolSizeMB" "1024" "AlwaysPreloadTexturesInGame" "0" } Engine2 { HasModAppSystems 1 Capable64Bit 1 URLName citadel RenderingPipeline { Tonemapping_UseLogLuminance 1 SupportsMSAA 0 DistanceField 1 } PauseSinglePlayerOnGameOverlay 1 DefensiveConCommands 1 } SoundSystem { SteamAudioEnabled "1" } ToolsEnvironment { "Engine" "Source 2" "ToolsDir" "../sdktools" // NOTE: Default Tools path. This is relative to the mod path. } Hammer { "fgd" "citadel.fgd" // NOTE: This is relative to the 'game' path. "GameFeatureSet" "Citadel" "DefaultSolidEntity" "trigger_multiple" "DefaultPointEntity" "info_player_start" "NavMarkupEntity" "func_nav_markup" "OverlayBoxSize" "8" "TileMeshesEnabled" "1" "RenderMode" "ToolsVis" "CreateRenderClusters" "1" "DefaultMinDrawVolumeSize" "2048" "DefaultMinTrianglesPerCluster" "16384" "TileGridSupportsBlendHeight" "1" "TileGridBlendDefaultColor" "0 255 0" "LoadScriptEntities" "0" "UsesBakedLighting" "1" "UseAnalyticGrid" "0" "SupportsDisplacementMapping" "1" "DisplacementMappingSelectionDepthBias" "1024" "SteamAudioEnabled" "1" "LatticeDeformerEnabled" "1" } SoundTool { "DefaultSoundEventType" "src1_3d" SoundEventBaseOptions { "Base.Announcer.VO.2d" "" "Base.World.VO.Emitter.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Ping.2d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.2d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Ability.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Ultimate.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Dash.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Effort.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Pain.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Melee.3d" "" "Base.Hero.VO.Death.3d" "" } } RenderPipelineAliases { } ResourceCompiler { // Overrides of the default builders as specified in code, this controls which map builder steps // will be run when resource compiler is run for a map without specifiying any specific map builder // steps. Additionally this controls which builders are displayed in the hammer build dialog. DefaultMapBuilders { "bakedlighting" "1" // Enable lightmapping during compile time "envmap" "0" // turned off since it currently causes an assert and doesn't work due to some build issue "nav" "1" // Generate nav mesh data } MeshCompiler { OptimizeForMeshlets 1 TrianglesPerMeshlet 64 // Maximum valid value currently is 126 UseMikkTSpace 1 } WorldRendererBuilder { VisibilityGuidedMeshClustering "1" MinimumTrianglesPerClusteredMesh "8192" MinimumVerticesPerClusteredMesh "8192" MinimumVolumePerClusteredMesh "8192" // ~20x20x20 cube MaxPrecomputedVisClusterMembership "96" MaxCullingBoundsGroups "128" UseAggregateInstances "1" AggregateInstancingMeshlets "1" BakePropsWithExtraVertexStreams "1" } BakedLighting { Version 3 LightmapChannels { direct_light_shadows 1 debug_chart_color 1 directional_irradiance_sh2_dc 1 directional_irradiance_sh2_r { CompressedFormat BC7 //DXT1 } directional_irradiance_sh2_g { CompressedFormat BC7 //DXT1 } directional_irradiance_sh2_b { CompressedFormat BC7 //DXT1 } } UseStaticLightProbes 0 LPVAtlas 1 } SteamAudio { ReverbDefaults { GridSpacing "3.0" HeightAboveFloor "1.5" RebakeOption "0" // 0: cleanup, 1: manual, 2: auto NumRays "32768" NumBounces "64" IRDuration "1.0" AmbisonicsOrder "1" } PathingDefaults { GridSpacing "3.0" HeightAboveFloor "1.5" RebakeOption "0" // 0: cleanup, 1: manual, 2: auto NumVisSamples "1" ProbeVisRadius "0" ProbeVisThreshold "0.1" ProbeVisPathRange "1000.0" } } SoundStackScripts { CompilerVersion "1" // CompileForCompare "1" } VisBuilder { MaxVisClusters "4096" PreMergeOpenSpaceDistanceThreshold "128.0" PreMergeOpenSpaceMaxDimension "2048.0" PreMergeOpenSpaceMaxRatio "8.0" PreMergeSmallRegionsSizeThreshold "20.0" } } Source1Import { // this is just copied from the left4dead3 "forcevtxfileupconvert" 1 } WorldRenderer { EnvironmentMaps 1 EnvironmentMapFaceSize 256 EnvironmentMapRenderSize 1024 EnvironmentMapFormat BC6H EnvironmentMapPreviewFormat BC6H EnvironmentMapColorSpace linear EnvironmentMapMipProcessor GGXCubeMapBlur // Build cubemaps into a cube array instead of individual cubemaps. "EnvironmentMapUseCubeArray" 1 "EnvironmentMapCacheSize" 175 "EnvironmentMapCacheSizeTools" 300 BindlessSceneObjectDesc CitadelBindlessDesc GrassCastsShadows 1 } SceneSystem { GpuLightBinner 1 FogCachedShadowAtlasWidth 1024 FogCachedShadowAtlasHeight 1024 FogCachedShadowTileSize 256 GpuLightBinnerSunLightFastPath 1 CSMCascadeResolution 2048 SunLightManagerCount 0 SunLightManagerCountTools 0 DefaultShadowTextureWidth 6144 DefaultShadowTextureHeight 6144 DynamicShadowResolution 1 TransformTextureRowCount 2048 SunLightMaxCascadeSize 4 SunLightShadowRenderMode Depth LayerBatchThresholdFullsort 20 NonTexturedGradientFog 1 // Temp till I can add support in citadel shaders DisableLateAllocatedTransformBuffer 1 MinimumLateAllocatedVertexCacheBufferSizeMB 64 CubemapFog 1 VolumetricFog 1 FrameBufferCopyFormat R11G11B10F WellKnownLightCookies { "blank" "materials/effects/lightcookies/blank.vtex" "flashlight" "materials/effects/lightcookies/flashlight.vtex" } ComputeShaderSkinning 1 } NavSystem { "NavTileSize" "128.0" "NavCellSize" "1.5" "NavCellHeight" "2.0" // Hull definitions live in scripts/nav_hulls.vdata // Preset definitions live in scripts/nav_hulls_presets.vdata "NavHullsPreset" "default" "NavRegionMinSize" "8" "NavRegionMergeSize" "20" "NavEdgeMaxLen" "1200" "NavEdgeMaxError" "51.0" "NavVertsPerPoly" "4" "NavDetailSampleDistance" "120.0" "NavDetailSampleMaxError" "2.0" "NavSmallAreaOnEdgeRemovalSize" "81.0" } AnimationSystem { "DisableServerInterpCompensation" "1" "DisableAnimationScript" "1" "ServerPoseRecipeHistorySize" "60" "ClientPoseRecipeHistorySize" "60" } ModelDoc { "models_gamedata" "models_gamedata.fgd" "features" "animgraph;modelconfig;gamepreview;wireframe_backfaces;distancefield" } Particles { "EnableParticleShaderFeatureBranching" "1" "Float16HDRBackBuffer" "1" "ParticlePixelCBSlot" "4" "ParticleVertexCBSlot" "4" "PET_SupportFadingOpaqueModels" "1" "Features" "non_homogenous_forward_layer_only" } ConVars { "rate" { "min" "98304" "default" "786432" "max" "1000000" } "sv_minrate" "98304" "sv_maxunlag" "0.200" "cl_clock_buffer_ticks" "1" // Spew warning when adding/removing classes to/from the top of the hierarchy "panorama_classes_perf_warning_threshold_ms" "0.75" // Panorama - enable minidumps on JS exceptions "panorama_js_minidumps" "1" // too expensive (500MB+) to load this "snd_steamaudio_load_reverb_data" "0" "snd_steamaudio_load_pathing_data" "0" // Steam Audio project specific convars "snd_steamaudio_enable_custom_hrtf" "0" "snd_steamaudio_active_hrtf" "0" "snd_steamaudio_reverb_update_rate" "10.0" "snd_steamaudio_ir_duration" "1.0" "snd_steamaudio_enable_pathing" "0" "snd_steamaudio_invalid_path_length" "0.0" "cl_disconnect_soundevent" "citadel.convar.stop_all_game_layer_soundevents" "snd_event_browser_default_stack" "citadel_default_3d" // voip "voice_in_process" "1" "voice_always_sample_mic" { "version" "2" "default" "0" } "reset_voice_on_input_stallout" "0" "voice_input_stallout" "0.5" "cl_usesocketsforloopback" "1" // For perf reasons, since we don't use source-based DSP: "disable_source_soundscape_trace" "1" "cl_tickpacket_desired_queuelength" "1" "fps_max" "400" "fps_max_ui" "120" "in_button_double_press_window" "0.3" // Convars that control spatialization of UI audio. "snd_ui_positional" "1" "snd_ui_spatialization_spread" "2.4" // sound volume rate change limiting "snd_envelope_rate" "100.0" "snd_soundmixer_update_maximum_frame_rate" "0" "speaker_config" { "min" "0" "default" "0" } "cq_buffer_bloat_msecs_max" "120" "snd_soundmixer" "Default_Mix" "cloth_filter_transform_stateless" "1" "cl_joystick_enabled" "0" "panorama_joystick_enabled" "0" "snd_event_browser_focus_events" "true" "cl_max_particle_pvs_aabb_edge_length" "100" } Memory { "EstimatedMaxCPUMemUsageMB" "1" "EstimatedMinGPUMemUsageMB" "1" "ShowInsufficientPageFileMessageBox" "1" "ShowLowAvailableVirtualMemoryMessageBox" "1" } }