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game_money is a point entity available in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Entity Description

An entity that can add or deduct money from players or teams.



Amount of money to add (Money) <integer>
Amount of money to add or deduct.
Award Text (AwardText) <string>
The text that will print in the chat next to the award amount. Will look like this: '+/-1000: <Award Text>'
Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities



SetMoneyAmount <integer>
Set the money value that will be awarded.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:FGD doesn't let you input a value, use AddOutput "Money <amount>" instead or fix the FGD.  [todo tested in ?]
Award money to Terrorists.
Award money to Counter-Terrorists.
Add money directly to the player activating this entity. (Doesn't print in chat)
SpendMoneyFromPlayer <integer>
If the player has [money amount] or more, take [money amount] away.



Fires when input SpendMoneyFromPlayer succeeded.
Fires when input SpendMoneyFromPlayer failed. (Player didn't have enough money)

FGD Code

This code belongs to Counter-Strike Global Offensive/bin/csgo.fgd.

@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/game_money.vmt") = game_money : 
	"An entity that awards money to a specific team." 
	Money(integer)		: "Amount of money to add (+/-)" : 1000
	AwardText(string)	: "Award Text" : : "The text that will print in the chat next to the award amount.  Will look like this:	'1000: <Award Text>'"
	// Inputs
	input SetMoneyAmount(integer) : "Set the money value that will be awarded. (without awarding it)" // changed type from 'void' to 'integer'
	input AddTeamMoneyTerrorist(void) : "Add money to players on team TERRORIST."
	input AddTeamMoneyCT(void) : "Add money to players on team COUNTER TERRORIST."
	input AddMoneyPlayer(void) : "Add money directly to the player activating this entity. (no chat description)"
	input SpendMoneyFromPlayer(void) : "If the player has [money amount] or more, take [money amount] away."
	output OnMoneySpent(void) : "Fires when input SpendMoneyFromPlayer succeeded."
	output OnMoneySpentFail(void) : "Fires when input SpendMoneyFromPlayer failed. (Player didn't have enough money)"