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Class hierarchy

func_pushable is a brush entity available in all GoldSrc GoldSrc games. A pushable brush object with very primitive physics.


Breakable : [128]

Allow the brush to be broken like func_breakable.

Key Values

Friction (friction) <float>
The amount of friction in the brush.
Buoyancy (buoyancy) <float>
The amount of buoyancy in the brush.
Hull size (size) <choices> Obsolete
Supposed to control the size of the brushes' hull. Nonfunctional; will always use hull 2 if larger than 32x32, or hull 3 if 32x32 or smaller.
Cpp.pngCode:Even if this KV is fixed, it would require an origin brush to work correctly.
Spawn on break (spawnobject) <string>
What entity to spawn when this brush breaks.
Target on break (target) <targetname>
What entity to fire an input to when this brush breaks.
Explosion magnitude (explodemagnitude) <float>
How large should an explosion be when this brush breaks (if any)?
Material type (material) <choices>
What material this brush uses. Will affect what kind of gibs are produced.
Value Description
0 Glass
1 Wood
2 Metal
3 Flesh
4 Cinder block
5 Ceiling tile
6 Computer
7 Unbreakable glass
8 Rock
Gib model (gibmodel) <string>
Used to specify a custom model to use when this brush breaks.