First Person Fix
The following fix is for angles on first person spectating not updating, especially when you have followed the spectator-tutorial at Wavelength.
This fix was taken from the HL Coders mail list.
The original text was writen by Ben "Obike" Everett
Hah, thanks for giving me a reason to hunt this one down. The Forsaken testers have been after me a while to fix it... anyways... here you go. A fix. Enjoy! P.S. The cause of this is in baseplayer_shared when calling EyeAngles. It returns pl.v_angle which is initialized to a zero-vector. By enabling it to be sent over the network this resolves the issue.
Step 1 In PlayerState.h around line 34 change:
QAngle v_angle;
Step 2 In player.cpp around line 6484 add in after sending the dead flag:
SendPropQAngles (SENDINFO(v_angle), 13),
Step 3 In c_baseplayer.cpp around line 85 add in after receiving the dead flag:
RecvPropQAngles (RECVINFO(v_angle)),
Step 4 You must make all calls to v_angle safe. In baseplayer_shared.cpp around line 211 add in:
if (!pMoveParent) { return pl.v_angle.Get(); }
Around line 216 change AngleMatrix to use
Around line 227 change the return value of LocalEyeAngles to
Step 5 In prediction.cpp around line 1700 in GetLocalViewAngles change the else portion to:
else { ang = player->pl.v_angle.Get(); }
Step 6 In c_baseplayer.cpp around line 437 in the function SetLocalViewAngles change that to:
pl.v_angle.GetForModify() = viewAngles;
Step 7 In player.cpp around line 598 in SnapEyeAngles change
pl.v_angle = viewAngles;
pl.v_angle.GetForModify() = viewAngles;
Around line 2914 in the function PhysicsSimulate change
VectorCopy ( pl.v_angle, ctx->cmds[ i ].viewangles );
VectorCopy ( pl.v_angle.GetForModify(), ctx->cmds[ i ].viewangles );
Around line 3052 in PlayerRunCommand change
VectorCopy ( ucmd->viewangles, pl.v_angle );
VectorCopy ( ucmd->viewangles, (QAngle)pl.v_angle.Get() );
Around line 3056 in the same function change
VectorCopy ( pl.v_angle, ucmd->viewangles );
VectorCopy ( pl.v_angle.GetForModify(), ucmd->viewangles );
Around line 4427 in the function Restore change
QAngle newViewAngles = pl.v_angle;
QAngle newViewAngles = pl.v_angle.Get();
Step 8 In player_command.cpp around line 177 in SetupMove change
move->m_vecAngles = player->pl.v_angle;
move->m_vecAngles = player->pl.v_angle.Get();
Around line 362 in RunCommand change
g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;
g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle.Get();
Around line 367 in RunCommand change
player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
player->pl.v_angle.GetForModify() = ucmd->viewangles;
Around line 371 in RunCommand change
player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;
player->pl.v_angle.GetForModify() = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;