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env_sprite is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It creates a sprite in the world. Sprites always face the player.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:This is a preserved entity in Day of Defeat: SourceTeam Fortress 2.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.
Note.pngNote:The only render modes that render sprite transparency are Glow, Additive, Additive Fractional Frame, World Space Glow and Alpha Add !FGD.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Although the sprite preview in Hammer can find the sprite with any or no file extension, the actual extension of the used material must be used for the engine to be able to find the sprite in-game. In engine versions before Source 2009 Source 2009, when choosing a sprite from the sprite browser, the name it provides does not contain the required .spr/.vmt file extension, so it must be adjusted by hand.  [todo tested in ?]
AltNames.pngAltNames: This entity is also tied to env_glow.


Start on : [1]
Play Once : [2]

Used for animated sprites; texture will animate once, then the sprite will turn off.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Sprite Name (model) <string>
The material to draw.
Scale (scale) <float>
Scale multiplier of the sprite.
Note.pngNote:Hammer's default sprite scale 0.25, but the engine's is 1.0. To synchronise the values, set this keyvalue to something.
Warning.pngWarning:The precision of this value is limited in multiplayer. The maximum scale is 64 and the value will be rounded to an upper power of 2 (64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125...). Garry's Mod Garry's Mod fixes this and uses full precision. This may lead to desynced scaling, for example, if a map made for another game uses a value of 40, it will get rounded up to 64 in that game but will remain at 40 in Garry's Mod.
Framerate (framerate) <string>
Rate at which the sprite should animate, if at all.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:A sprite will only automatically animate if it has at least 3 frames.  (tested in: Counter-Strike: Source)
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:Add an AnimatedTexture material proxy. The proxy's framerate will take precedence over this keyvalue.
Starting Frame (frame) <float> !FGD
If the sprite is animated, the frame it should start animating on.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:If the provided material uses the AnimatedTexture material proxy, setting this will not work.[confirm]  [todo tested in ?]
Confirm:In Counter-Strike: Source Starting Frame does not ever work.
Size of Glow Proxy Geometry (GlowProxySize) <float>
Size of the glow to be rendered for visibility testing. Any time a sphere of this radius would be visible (poking through any nearby geometry), the glow will be rendered.
HDR color scale (HDRColorScale) <float>
Color multiplier for players using HDR.


Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
Set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity.
Render Modes
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Color
  • 2: Texture
  • 3: Glow
  • 4: Solid/Alphatest Obsolete
  • 5: Additive
  • 6: Removed, does nothing Obsolete
  • 7: Additive Fractional Frame
  • 8: Alpha Add
  • 9: World Space Glow
  • 10: Don't Render
Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Various somewhat legacy alpha effects. See render effects
Render Amount / Transparency (renderamt) <integer 0–255>
Transparency amount, requires a Render Mode other than Normal. 0 is invisible, 255 is fully visible.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color tint.
Disable Receiving Shadows (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean>
Prevent the entity from receiving shadows on itself.

Minimum / Maximum DX Level (mindxlevel / maxdxlevel) <integer choices> (removed since Left 4 Dead)
The entity will not exist if the engine is running outside the given range of DirectX Versions.
Warning.pngWarning:If these are used, the object may break when the user switches their DirectX settings.[missing string]
Minimum / Maximum Effect Details Level (mincpulevel / maxcpulevel) <integer choices> (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
Don't render for players with Effect Details levels that exceed the minimum or maximum.
  • 0: Default ("Low" for mincpulevel, "High" for maxcpulevel)
  • 1: Low
  • 2: Medium
  • 3: High
Minimum / Maximum Shader Details Level (mingpulevel / maxgpulevel) <integer choices> (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
Don't render for players with Shader Details levels that exceed the minimum or maximum.
  • 0: Default ("Low" for mingpulevel, "Very High" for maxgpulevel)
  • 1: Low
  • 2: Medium
  • 3: High
  • 4: Very High
See also:  cpu_level / gpu_level convars


SetScale <float>
Sets Scale.
Makes the sprite invisible.
Makes sprite visible.
Make sprite invisible or visible depending on the current state.
ColorRedValue <float>
Change the intensity of the red channel (0-255).
ColorGreenValue <float>
Change the intensity of the green channel (0-255).
ColorBlueValue <float>
Change the intensity of the blue channel (0-255).


Alpha <integer 0–255>
Sets the entity's transparency to a number from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible). Requires the entity to have its rendermode set to a number other than 0.
Color <color255>
Sets an RGB color for the entity.

See also