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Class hierarchy

emp_info_params is a point entity available in Empires Empires. It contains various gameplay parameters and is a bridge for team-related IO.

Warning.pngWarning:Every Empires map must have exactly one of these entities on map start. Attempting to load a map that does not contain an emp_info_params entity will crash the game!


Allowed Teams (AllowedTeams) <choices>
This controls which teams players will be able to join.


  • 0: Both Teams
  • 2: Northern Faction Only
  • 3: Brenodi Empire Only
Warning.pngWarning:This option does not affect victory conditions. Even when players are restricted to one team, both teams still need spawn points.
Map Theme (skin) <choices>
This is the setting/theme of the map and is only used to determine the camouflage that players wear.


  • 0: Default
  • 1: Woodland
  • 2: Snow
  • 3: Desert
  • 4: Urban
Research Starts Complete (AutoResearch) <choices>
Setting this to 'Yes' will automatically research the Research Tree, both teams will have the research tree fully researched. You can also add or remove research items using the maps .cfg file for server side settings.


  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Northern Faction Resources (NFRes) <integer>
The amount of resources the Northern Faction team starts with.
Brenodi Empire Resources (ImpRes) <integer>
The amount of resources the Brenodi Empire team starts with.
Northern Faction Reinforcements (NFReinf) <integer>
The amount of reinforcements the Northern Faction team starts with.
Brenodi Empire Reinforcements (ImpReinf) <integer>
The amount of reinforcements the Brenodi Empire team starts with.
Prevent NF Engineer Building (eng_restrict_NF) <choices>
Select restrictions for the Northern Faction engineers from being able to build on this map.


  • 0: No Restriction
  • 1: Walls
  • 2: Everything
Prevent Brenodi Engineer Building (eng_restrict_Imp) <choices>
Select restrictions for the Brenodi Empire engineers from being able to build on this map.


  • 0: No Restriction
  • 1: Walls
  • 2: Everything
Prevent turret building (turretRestrict) <choices>
Select restrictions for the Brenodi Empire engineers from being able to build on this map.


  • 0: Allow level 1, 2 and 3 turrets
  • 1: Allow level 1 and 2 turrets
  • 2: Allow level 1 turrets
  • 3: Restrict turrets


InputNFWin <void>
Input for Northern Faction winning.
InputImpWin <void>
Input for Brenodi Empire winning.
SetNFTickets <integer>
Set the Northern Faction tickets.
SetBETickets <integer>
Set the Brenodi Empire tickets.
ModifyNFTickets <integer>
Modify the Northern Faction tickets.
ModifyBETickets <integer>
Modify the Brenodi Empire tickets.
SetNFResources <float>
Set the Northern Faction resources.
SetBEResources <float>
Set the Brenodi Empire resources.
ModifyNFResources <float>
Modify the Northern Faction resources.
ModifyBEResources <float>
Modify the Brenodi Empire resources.
GetNFTickets <integer>
Get the Northern Faction tickets from OnGetNumber.
GetBETickets <integer>
Get the Brenodi Empire tickets from OnGetNumber.
GetNFResources <integer>
Get the Northern Faction resources from OnGetNumber.
GetBEResources <integer>
Get the Brenodi Empire resources from OnGetNumber.


OnGetNFTickets <integer>
Outputs NF Tickets when requested.
OnGetBETickets <integer>
Outputs BE Tickets when requested.
OnGetNFResources <integer>
Outputs NF Resources when requested.
OnGetBEResources <integer>
Outputs BE Resources when requested.
OnWaitPhaseEnd <integer> Obsolete
Fires when the wait phase ends. Parameter is set to 1 if this map is a commander map.
OnPhaseBeginTactics <void>
Fires when the tactics phase begins or is skipped.
OnPhaseBeginWait <void>
Fires when the commander vote/player wait phase begins.
OnPhaseBeginGame <void>
Fires when the game begins.
OnPhaseBeginInfSuddenDeath <void>
Fires when infantry sudden death begins.
OnPhaseBeginCVSuddenDeath <void>
Fires when the CV sudden death begins.
OnGameEnd <void>
Fires when the game ends, one way or another.
OnGameOutcomeNFWin <void>
Fires when NF wins the game.
OnGameOutcomeNFLose <void>
Fires when NF loses the game.
OnGameOutcomeBEWin <void>
Fires when BE wins the game.
OnGameOutcomeBELose <void>
Fires when BE loses the game.