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FGD for E120


This is a text file used internally by a Valve Valve Software technology, such as Source Source and GoldSrc GoldSrc Engine.
To open this file, copy the following text into a text editor such as Notepad++ Notepad++, and save it with "save as type" being "all files" and .fgd appended to the file name. Then open the file in the appropriate tool.
Forge Game Data
@include "halflife2.fgd" @PointClass base(Item) studio("models/items/battery.mdl")= item_gc_energy : "Packet of Gravity Concussion Energy" [] @PointClass base(Weapon) studio("models/weapons/w_physics.mdl") = weapon_physconcussion : "Physics Concussion" [] @PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/math_counter.vmt") = math_counter : "Holds a numeric value and performs arithmetic operations upon it. If either the minimum or maximum " + "legal value is nonzero, OutValue will be clamped to the legal range, and the OnHitMin/OnHitMax " + "outputs will be fired at the appropriate times. If both min and max are set to zero, no clamping is " + "performed and only the OutValue output will be fired." [ // Keys startvalue(integer) : "Initial Value" : 0 : "Starting value for the counter." min(integer) : "Minimum Legal Value" : 0 : "Minimum legal value for the counter. If min=0 and max=0, no clamping is performed." max(integer) : "Maximum Legal Value" : 0 : "Maximum legal value for the counter. If min=0 and max=0, no clamping is performed." // Inputs input Add(integer) : "Add an amount to the counter and fire the OutValue output with the result." input Divide(integer): "Divide the counter by an amount and fire the OutValue output with the result." input Multiply(integer): "Multiply the counter by an amount and fire the OutValue output with the result." input SetValue(integer): "Set the counter to a new value and fire the OutValue output with the result." input SetValueNoFire(integer): "Set the counter to a new value without firing any outputs." input Subtract(integer): "Subtract an amount from the counter and fire the OutValue output with the result." input SetHitMax(integer): "Set the upper bound of the counter and fire the OutValue output with the current value." input SetHitMin(integer): "Set the lower bound of the counter and fire the OutValue output with the current value." input GetValue(void): "Causes the counter fire its OnGetValue output with the current value of the counter. Used for polling the counter when you don't want constant updates from the OutValue output." // Outputs output OutValue(integer) : "Fired when the counter value changes." output OnHitMin(void) : "Fired when the counter value meets or goes below the min value. The counter must go back above the min value before the output will fire again." output OnHitMax(void) : "Fired when the counter value meets or exceeds the max value. The counter must go below the max value before the output will fire again." output OnGetValue(integer) : "Fired in response to the GetValue input. Used for polling the counter when you don't want constant updates from the OutValue output." output OnMaxChanged(void) : "Fired when max value is changed." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_compare.vmt") = logic_math : "An entity that compares a value with one stored on a math_counter." [ // Keys target(target_destination) : "Math_Counter entity" : : "Name of the math_counter entity to compare to." CompareValue(integer) : "Compare value" : : "The value to compare against." // Inputs input Compare(void) : "Force a compare of the value on the math_counter entity with the compare value." // Outputs output OnLessThan(float) : "Fired when the math_counter value is less than the compare value. Sends the input value as data." output OnEqualTo(float) : "Fired when the math_counter value is equal to the compare value. Sends the input value as data." output OnNotEqualTo(float) : "Fired when the math_counter value is different from the compare value. Sends the input value as data." output OnGreaterThan(float) : "Fired when the math_counter value is greater than the compare value. Sends the input value as data." ] @PointClass base(Targetname) = ai_strider_finale : "Strider Finale" [ Strider1(target_destination) : "Strider 1" Strider2(target_destination) : "Strider 2" Strider3(target_destination) : "Strider 3" Active(choices) : "Active" : 0 = [ 0 : "No" 1 : "Yes" ] // Inputs input Update(void) : "Should be called when a strider spawns or dies" input CombatOver(void) : "Should be called once the strider combat is over" input SetPatrolPath(string) : "Set new patrol path" input SetGuardPath(string) : "Set guard path for doorway strider" ]