Dr. Judith Mossman

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Dr. Judith Mossman is a scientist who plays an integral role in the Half-Life 2 series. She is a cunning and manipulative triple agent, aiding both sides during the Uprising but eventually siding with the Resistance. Later on she discovered a secret and powerful project that could be used against the Combine, in a vanished ship named the Borealis.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
From ep2_outland_11b
I'm fairly sure I've pinned down the location of the Project. It's hard to say how much of it might have survived intact, or whether there's anything remaining that could compromise our work... if it were discovered by the Combine. We'll need to take a close look at it, of course, but I should be able to give a better opinion within a few hours. If the site is where we think it is, then it should be no more than... What's that? I'm going to cut this short. We may have been spotted.