is a point entity available in Day of Defeat. This entity is used to control one or more dod_control_point
's, Flags.
Key Values
- Name
<string> - The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
- Target
<targetname> - Target Path.
- Time between point gives (seconds)
<integer> - The time interval after which points are given to the team controlling the dod_control points, Flags. The number of point given for each team is specified in the point_pointvalue option of each dod_control_point, Flag.
- Target when allies capture
<string> - This the the Target used when all of the dod_control_points, Flags, have been ccaptured by the Allies. Use this to target a dod_score_ent.
- Target when axis capture
<string> - This the the Target used when all of the dod_control_points, Flags, have been ccaptured by the Axis. Use this to target a dod_score_ent.
- Master
<targetname> - Name of a master entity.
- Group Name
<string> - Name of the group of dod_control_points, Flags. If all the flags with the same group name are controlled by the same team, then dod_control_point_master considers all of the map control points, flags, to be captured. Normally this starts the end of a round but it could start other things as well.