Perfect Dark Source: item_weaponset
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Ein Item-Spawnpunkt das weaponsets benutzt.. Möglich das eine fehlerhaft Waffe ohne Munition spawnt..
- Name (targetname) <string >
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.Siehe auch: Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities
- spawnitem
- <choices> What item should spawn? Use Weapon Set will make use of weapon sets, the other options are hard coded spawns and will not take weapon sets into consideration.
- weaponsetslot
- <integer> The weapon set's slot number to use. Only necessary if spawnitem is Use Weapon Set.
- howtogiveammo
- <choices> Defining ammo as health, armor or whatever the item gives and PrimaryAmmo the first or only thing it gives.
- 0: Default
- Give the default amount of ammo for the item. If Box of Rounds always gives 10 ammo then give 10 ammo.
- 1: Absolute
- The level designer decides an absolute value of ammo. If ammovalue is 1 give 1 ammo despite the default being 10.
- 2: Relative
- The level designer decides a relative value of ammo (relative to the max for the item). If ammovalue is 0.5 (50%), a pistol that takes up to 50 rounds and 20 in the magazine will receive 50+20 = 70 * 0.5 = 35 rounds.
- 3: Custom Ammo String
- The level designer wants complete control of ammo. Uses customammostring to define how to give each type of ammo and the ammo values.
- 0: Default
- ammovalue
- <string> Read as a single integer or float. Skipped if howtogiveammo is Default or Custom Ammo String. Read as an integer value if Absolute, read as a float value if Relative (where 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%, 1.5 is 150%, etc). It affects all ammo sources for the item. It will affect both primary and secondary ammo clips on the Superdragon .
- customammostring
- <string> Contains a parameter list. Used to give different values on items giving two or more types of ammo. Structure:
#<HowToGiveAmmo Index> <AmmoValue> #<HowToGiveAmmo Index> <AmmoValue> ...
- ie. Primary ammo set as Default and Secondary set as 50% Relative: #0 0 #2 0.5
- Kill
- Removes this entity from the world.
- KillHierarchy
- Removes this entity and all its children from the world.
- AddOutput <string>
- Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care.
- FireUser1-4
- Causes this entity's OnUser1-4 outputs to be fired. See User Inputs and Outputs .