Damage types

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The Damage Type property of a trigger_hurt entity lets you choose between many types of damage, but it may be hard to figure out what these types of damage do exactly, so below is a list.
Depending on game, the damage type may be entirely different, along with the way the damage is shown to the player.

Damage Perception:
Half-Life 2: Survivor If nothing else is stated, each damage hit will (besides damaging you) make you jerk a little, make your screen flash red if you don't have a HEV suit, or provide red HUD directions to display where the damage is coming from if you have a HEV suit.
Left 4 Dead series Receiving damage only plays a vocal response and shows a damage indicator.

Amount of Damage Applied:
Half-Life 2 The amount of damage applied depends on the current difficulty setting:

  • "Easy" (skill 1) applies 50% of the Damage value every half-second.
  • "Normal" (skill 2) applies 100% of the Damage value every half-second.
  • "Hard" (skill 3) applies 150% of the Damage value every half-second.

Newer Multiplayer games seem to always apply 50% of the Damage value every half-second, even when playing singleplayer on Expert mode in Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series.

This is the case in Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead series.
Todo: Check if this also applies in other games.

Damage types

This table shows every damage type available in the game. Some of these are not in the default FGDs and have to be added manually.
Some games have different damage type names that trigger different effects. Some will be listed here as well.

The value for damage types are essentially bitflags. This means that multiple damage types can be specified at once where applicable. For instance, DMG_SHOCK have a value of 256 and DMG_DROWN have a value of 16384. Entering the sum of those (256 + 16384), 16640, would both cause the player's screen to flash blue, and a spark will appear near the player.

Value Name Comments / Effects
  • Does not make any kind of visual or audible indication of incoming damage, unlike other damage types.
  • The whole screen flashes red even if you're wearing a HEV suit.
  • Always does 50% of the Damage value every half-second, regardless of difficulty setting.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Also makes the Witch flinch without startling her.
  • Plays bullet impact sounds.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Also makes the Witch flinch without startling her.
  • Displays spurts of blood if player HEV suit power is 0.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Also makes the Witch flinch without startling her.
  • Plays heat damage sounds. (Something sizzling and the player going "Ouch!".)
  • The whole screen flashes red even if you're wearing a HEV suit.
  • No HUD damage directions are given.
    Tip.pngTip:For additional indication, you can add an ambient_generic playing hl1/fvox/heat_damage.wav to make the HEV suit go: "Extreme heat damage detected."
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 Does NOT ignite players.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Ignites all bots, also shows fire overlay in first person.
  • prop_vehicle_jeep impacts deal this type of damage.
  • Listed as "Freeze" in Valve FGDs, since this damage type was previously used for freeze damage in GoldSrc GoldSrc.
  • When used in the Half-Life codebase, the HEV suit will display a snowflake icon on the left side of the screen.
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 A player killed by this type of damage will be displayed as being run over by a train.
  • Always does 50% of the Damage value every half-second, regardless of difficulty setting.
  • The HEV suit will not protect you from this type of damage.
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 A player killed by this type of damage will play a fall damage sound and display the fall-specific kill feed line "fell to a clumsy, painful death".
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series If used on a trigger_hurt, survivors will not scream "I'm Down" or simmilar lines when incapacitated.
  • May temporarily deafen the player.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Stumbles all CI, SI, Tanks and Witches. Does not startle the Witch.
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 A player killed by this type of damage will leave gibs instead of a ragdoll.
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 A player killed by this type of damage will emit their dramatic death sounds. Melee weapons deal this type of damage.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Same damage as a Tanks punch and his boulders.
  • Sparks for every hit.
  • The whole screen flashes light blue even if you're wearing a HEV suit.
    Tip.pngTip:For additional indication, you can add an ambient_generic playing hl1/fvox/shock_damage.wav to make the HEV suit go: "Electrical damage detected."
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series No flashes, Missing Particle/white texture.
  • Damage from supersonic objects.
  • Laser or other high energy beam.


  • Prevent a physics force (e.g. Gravity Gun Jump on Props).
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series This damage type, as the name suggests, is used for friendly fire, except that the players will not say "Don't shoot me".
  • No damage type will be able to gib victims upon death.
Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Does not function as such.
  • Any damage type can be made to gib victims upon death.
Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Does not function as such.
  • The whole screen flashes blue even if you're wearing a HEV suit.
  • Double HUD damage directions are given.
  • Plays drowning sounds.
  • Always does 50% of the Damage value every half-second, regardless of difficulty setting.
  • The HEV suit will not protect you from this type of damage.


  • HEV suit warning: "Warning: Bloodtoxin levels detected." (hl1/fvox/blood_toxins.wav)
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series If used on a trigger_hurt, instantly incapacitates survivor bots. Regardless of damage value or mode.
  • HEV suit warning: "Warning: Biohazard detected." (hl1/fvox/biohazard_detected.wav)
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 A player killed by this type of damage will be displayed as a kill by a sawblade.
  • Poison headcrabs deal this type of damage.
  • The whole screen flashes yellow even if you're wearing a HEV suit. (This flash seems to stick sometimes, and may appear the next time the player is hurt.)
  • The HEV suit will not protect you from this type of damage.
  • Always does 50% of the Damage value every half-second, regardless of difficulty setting.
  • HEV suit warns: "Warning: Bloodtoxin levels detected." (hl1/fvox/blood_toxins.wav)
  • HUD displays: "Neurotoxin Detected Administering Antidote"
  • The damage received is slowly healed after a delay (even if the player is not wearing a suit, oddly enough).
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 Similar to GENERIC.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Will not show damage indicator arrows on screen. This damage type is applied when bleeding out while being incapacitated.
  • Close proximity to a trigger_hurt with this type of damage will set off the HEV suit's Geiger counter.
  • The HEV suit will not protect you from this type of damage.
  • The whole screen flashes white even if you're wearing a HEV suit.

Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 The screen does not flash. Causes gibbing like Blast damage.

  • Double HUD damage directions are given.
  • HEV suit warning: "Warning: Hazardous radiation levels detected." (hl1/fvox/radiation_detected.wav)
  • Used for regeneration of health lost due to drowning damage.
  • If used on a trigger_hurt, this will not recover health, but deal the damage. However, any trigger_hurt using negative damage values can heal you.
1048576 DMG_ACID

DMG_CHOKE Left 4 Dead series

  • The whole screen flashes white even if you're wearing a HEV suit.
    Icon-Bug.pngBug:The flash may reappear the next time the player is hurt.  [todo tested in ?]
  • Double HUD damage directions are given.
  • HEV suit warning: "Warning: Hazardous chemical detected." (hl1/fvox/chemical_detected.wav)
  • Listed as "Chemical" in Valve FGDs, since this damage type was previously used for chemical damage in GoldSrc GoldSrc.
  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 Critical damage. Deals 300% of the Damage value. Critical hit sounds play alongside killed players emitting dramatic death sounds.
  • Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2 This damage is being dealt by the smoker. Both when the smoker punches caught survivors, but also by the tongue itself when survivors get stuck on an object while being dragged.

DMG_MELEE Left 4 Dead series

  • Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 Uses the damage falloff formula (50% at 1024 units away from attacker's origin, 150% at point blank)
  • If damage of this type kills the player or an NPC, a ragdoll will not be created.
  • This bit is set when attempting to use an env_entity_dissolver on a live player.
  • Listed as "Slow Freeze" in Valve FGDs, since this damage type was previously used for slow freeze damage in GoldSrc GoldSrc.
  • Damage from the Gravity Gun (e.g. pushing head crabs).
16777216 DMG_PLASMA !FGD
  • Turns the player's screen dark and plays sounds until the player's next footstep.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Spawns Shotgun like gib particles until CI die and gib.

DMG_STUMBLE Left 4 Dead series

  • Damage from airboat gun.
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Staggers CI like the melee attack of a firearm does.
  • A blast on the surface of water that cannot harm things underwater
268435456 DMG_DIRECT !FGD
  • Damage from being on fire. (DMG_BURN relates to external sources hurting you)
  • Damage from shotguns. (not quite a bullet. Little, rounder, different.)
  • Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series Staggers CI. Makes Witch flinch.
1073741824 DMG_HEADSHOT !FGD
  • Damage from a headshot.

DMG_DISMEMBER Left 4 Dead series !FGD


See also