Creating a Megacharger

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Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Level Creation


This guide will show you how to create megachargers seen in dm_lockdown. This is a good way to make megachargers distinct from normal chargers in your deathmatch map.


The Charger

The Charger

Create an item_suitcharger entity, set its name to megacharger and tick the Citadel recharger flag.

Enter the following outputs:

  My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnEmpty megacharger_light HideSprite <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnEmpty megacharger_light_ TurnOff <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnFull megacharger_light ShowSprite <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnFull megacharger_light_ TurnOn <none> 0.00 No

Charger Model

The Charger Model

Create prop_dynamic entity and enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
World Model models/props_combine/Combine_Dispenser.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Collisions Not Solid

Position the model so it covers the suitcharger's model.

Charger Glow

The Charger Glow

Create an env_sprite entity and enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
Name megacharger_light
Render FX Slow Pulse
Render Mode World Space Glow
FX Color 0 255 0
Scale 0.25
Size of Glow Proxy Geometry. 5

Charger Light

The Charger Light

Create a light entity and enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
Name megacharger_light_
Pitch Yaw Roll -60 0 -90
Brightness 0 255 64 25
Inner angle 5
Outer angle 30
Pitch -60