Creating a machine gun nest in Day of Defeat

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Example of a brushed sandbag in combination of the dod_trigger_sandbag entity to create a machine gun mount in the 3D View of Hammer Editor.

In Day of Defeat there are areas where a player can stand and deploy their machine gun or other deployable gun.

Creating a deployable area for machine guns

To create a deployeable area for machine guns you need an platform first. The platform can be window ledges, big pieces of debris or sandbags. The ideal height of the platform for deployment should be about 44 units and the ideal depth should be 16 units to prevent weird animations like the machine gun sticking inside the sandbags or the machine gun bracket floating in the air. It does not matter if the platform is made out of brushes or is a 3D model. In area where the player should be able to mount the machine gun you create an aatrigger brush and turn it into the dod_trigger_sandbag entity.

The way you are facing the entity with the Pitch Yaw Roll Attribute is the way you face when the machine gun is deployed. With the Degrees in either direction Attribute you can select in how many degrees the player should be able to rotate the machine gun.

Examples for areas to deploy

There are almost infinite possibilities for use of this area:

  • Window ledges
  • Sandbags
  • Holes
  • Armored vehicles
  • Fallen trees
  • Benches, tables and chairs