Console Command List/G

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Command Default Cheat? Help Text
g_ai_citizen_show_enemy 0 None
g_antlion_maxgibs 16 None
g_debug_antlion 0 None
g_debug_antlionguard 0 None
g_debug_antlionmaker 0 Yes None
g_debug_basehelicopter 0 Yes None
g_debug_combine_camera 0 None
g_debug_cscanner 0 None
g_debug_doors 0 None
g_debug_dropship 0 None
g_debug_dynamicresupplies 0 Debug item_dynamic_resupply spawning. Set to 1 to see text printouts of the spawning. Set to 2 to see lines drawn to other items factored into the spawning.
g_debug_gunship 0 Yes None
g_debug_headcrab 0 Yes None
g_debug_physcannon 0 None
g_debug_ragdoll_removal 0 Yes None
g_debug_ragdoll_visualize 0 Yes None
g_debug_trackpather 0 Yes None
g_debug_transitions 0 Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities & associated results during a transition.
g_debug_turret 0 None
g_debug_turret_ceiling 0 None
g_debug_vehiclebase 0 Yes None
g_debug_vehicledriver 0 Yes None
g_debug_vehicleexit 0 Yes None
g_debug_vehiclesound 0 Yes None
g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_enemy_distance 0 None
g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_speed 850 The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_time 10 None
g_helicopter_bullrush_distance 5000 None
g_helicopter_bullrush_mega_bomb_health 0 Fraction of the health of the chopper before it mega-bombs
g_helicopter_bullrush_shoot_height 650 The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
g_helicopter_chargetime 2 How much time we have to wait (on average) between the time we start hearing the charging sound + the chopper fires
g_helicopter_idletime 3 How much time we have to wait (on average) after we fire before we can charge up again
g_helicopter_maxfiringdist 2500 The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
g_jeepexitspeed 100 Yes None
g_Language 0 None
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600 None
g_ragdoll_maxcount 8 None
g_test_new_antlion_jump 1 None
gameinstructor_enable 1 Displays in game lessons that teach new players.
gameui_hide None
getpos dump position and angles to the console
give Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
gl_clear 0 None
god Yes Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable. (Suit will still take damage.)
+graph None
-graph None
groundlist Display ground entity list <index>